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3. 某射擊遊戲的玩家要避開障礙物射擊目標。今在遊戲畫面 中設立一直角坐標系,以長方形螢幕左下角點 O 為原點, 螢幕下方的邊緣為 x軸、螢幕左方的邊緣為 y 軸,目標物放在點 P(12,10)。畫面中有兩面牆(牆厚度可忽略不計), 一面牆由點 A(10,5) 水平延伸到 點 B(15,5) ,另一面牆由點 C(0,6) 水平延伸到點 D(9,6),如右圖之示意圖。若玩家在點 Q 可直線射擊點 P 的目標物,不會被兩面牆阻擋。下列哪一個選項有可能是點 Q 的坐標?

(A) (6,3)
(B) (7,3)
(C) (8,5)
(D) (9,1)
(E) (9,2)



【題組】4. EDI

一、 甲、乙因丙聚會屢次遲到又借錢不還,決定給他一點教訓。 動手前,甲提議順便劫財,乙不想事情變得複雜,並未同意。 未久,丙被甲、乙打倒迷暈,甲即動手搜刮了其皮夾內金錢, 並欲與乙對分;乙見丙皮夾中一疊鈔票,誘惑難耐,臨時決 定與甲朋分。(每小題 20 分,共 40 分):

【題組】(二) 若將案例事實修改為:「甲、乙決定給丙一點教訓,並 約定由甲動手,乙在旁把風;未久,丙卻被甲不慎打死。」 請問:甲、乙之刑事責任又該如何?

10. 下列何種溶液的組合,可以形成最佳的緩衝溶液?
(A) 醋酸與醋酸鈉
(B) 醋酸與鹽酸
(C) 鹽酸與氫氧化鈉
(D) 氯化鈉與硝酸 食品群 專業科目(二) 第 3 頁 共 8 頁


【題組】(二)基地周邊環境,北側及西側臨住商混合區,南臨長途客運轉運站,東側有住宅區。如附 圖所示。


Dear NorthBay Employees and Physicians: 

Solano County Public Health Officer Dr. Bela Matyas will soon issue a mandate that all hospitals and healthcare facilities in Solano County must require their employees and volunteers to receive the annual influenza vaccination or wear a mask when working in patient care areas during flu season, Nov. 1 to March 31.

Because influenza affects 5 percent to 15 percent of the U.S. population every year, leading to an estimated 3.1 million days of hospitalization and 31.4 million outpatient visits, it is critically important that hospital employees take preventive measures to stay healthy and continue to provide critical healthcare services to the residents and visitors of Solano County. 26 Many hospitals in California have already made vaccination or masking a condition of employment. 

NorthBay Healthcare supports the county’s mandate and urges our employees and providers to receive a flu vaccine. 27  (See attachment.)

NorthBay Healthcare will issue stickers through Employee Health to managers to distribute to staff and volunteers who have received the vaccine. The stickers should be affixed to the employee’s badge, indicating that they do not need to wear a mask in patient areas. 28 

29  If employees decline vaccination they are required to sign a declination statement in lieu of vaccination. Although NorthBay Healthcare complies with state law, our vaccination rate for employees was 77 percent in 2014, woefully below the state goal of having 90 percent of all workers vaccinated. 30 EAttached to this memo is a list of Frequently Asked Questions with answers. This memo, the FAQ sheet and a list of employee vaccine clinics are available at www.NorthBay.org/fluFAQ

(A)State law requires that hospitals offer influenza vaccinations to employees. 

(B) There are still a number of vaccination clinics available.

(C)Influenza vaccination is a preventive measure that reduces serious disease from influenza infection and decreases worker absenteeism. 

(D)Those without stickers will be required to mask when interacting with a patient or working in a patient area.

(E) This mandate affects all staff; physicians, volunteers, even non-clinical staff if they are working or rounding in patient care areas


(A) 測定值的標準偏差越小,表示測量越精密
(B) 測定值與真正值的差別越小,表示測量越準確
(C) 測量越多次,標準偏差越大
(D) 測量值對真值差值是絕對誤差

三、近年來地面光學數位天文觀測皆普遍使用 CCD 天文相機,而 CCD 影像處理最基本 的三項改正為「偏壓」、「暗電流」及「平場」,請描述:

【題組】⑴這三項改正的基本原理。(10 分)