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5. (3 points) We will follow the notations from the previous question. We can build a heap from an array of n keys by the following algorithun. A heapify operation for a binary minimum heap combines two heaps and a root into a new heap. For ease of discussion we assume that the array is indexed from l to n, and the left/right child of a node with array index i have array indices 2: and 2i + 1 respectively. We first set each key of the second half of the aray (indexed from n/2 to n) as r:/2 heaps, each has one node. Then we combine two of them and their parent into a heap of three nodes, and so on. If the root is smaller than the roots of both subtrees then we stop. Otherwise we exchange the root with the smaller root from the subtrees, and repeatedly heapify the subtree where the root has just been replaced. Next we heapify the key at n/2 - 1 and all the way back to the root (at index 1). The final result will be a binary minimum heap of n nodes.
1. The minimum number of key comparisons is θ(n).
 2. The maximum number of key comparisons is θ(n).
3. Since each heapify on a key may compare it with all the keys down to a leaf, its number of comparisons is no more than the height of the heap, which is O(logn). Also we have O(n) keys to heapify, so the total number of key comparisons is O(n log n).
4. The number of key comparisons is in the same order as the sum of (original, before heapified) levels (as defined in the previous question, the distance to the root) of all keys.
5. The number of key comparisons is mazimized if and only if the largest n/2 keys are in the first half of the array and in decreasing order.

四、某甲於A機關(下稱A)所屬B機場(下稱B)附近,經公告禁止施放遙控無人機活動範圍內之地區上空施放空拍機,經B通報轄區航空警察局(下稱航警局)進行調查,經調閱周邊 監視器查知係甲所為,並通知甲到場說明。嗣A審認甲未經申請許可在系爭地點施放遙 控空拍機,違反民用航空法第99條之13第1項規定,乃按同法第118條之1第1款,裁處甲 罰鍰30萬元。甲不服,提起訴願遭駁回,遂提起行政訴訟。甲於起訴書中主張:「(一)、 伊不清楚系爭地點禁止玩遙控無人機,且該處附近亦未設置告示牌公告禁止,況伊不會 使用電腦,亦不知網路上有相關禁止公告。(二)、伊目前收入不穩定,離婚且扶養兒女, 原處分課以罰鍰高達30萬元,對伊生計造成負擔,違反比例原則。」故聲明訴願決定不 利於原告部分及原處分均撤銷。
第99條之13第1項:「禁航區、限航區及航空站或飛行場四周之一定距離範圍內,禁止 從事遙控無人機飛航活動;航空站或飛行場四周之一定距離範圍由民航局公告之。」 第118條之1第1款:「遙控無人機之所有人或操作人有下列情事之一者,由民航局廢止 其操作證,並處新臺幣三十萬元以上一百五十萬元以下罰鍰,並得沒入遙控無人機:一、 違反第九十九條之十三第一項規定,於禁航區、限航區及航空站或飛行場四周之一定距 離範圍內從事飛航活動。」 請問:

【題組】(2)某甲之主張(一)是否有理由? (8分)


3.鐵磁芯(ferromagnetic core)與尺寸如下圖所示。 假設核心的相對磁導率(relative permeability)為 800。

【題組】(b)承(a)小題,在此電流下,磁芯頂部的磁通密度(flux density)是多少?

8. 臺北農產運銷公司的全年蔬果交易量在全台各地批發市場排名為

73. 後仰式洗髮不易沖洗的部位

4 注視進路上之號誌,係指由可望見號誌時至號誌顯示處所間,確認一次號誌之顯示狀態即可

18. 下列何者是客語音節結構中不可缺的成份?

四、核四廠(龍門核電廠)採用進步型沸水式反應器(Advanced Boiling Water Reactor), 試說明其相對於核二廠設計主要不同的特點。(25 分)

三、列舉3個可能儲存兒少色情內容之雲端空間 GOOGLE雲端硬碟、DROPBOX、ONEDRIVE、BOX.COM、百度雲、MEDIAFIRE、MEGA、HAMI個人雲、Icloud、私架NAS、
