三、甲起訴將乙列為被告,請求法院判決命乙應將 A 屋辦理所有權移轉登記
予甲,並交付 A 屋,其理由略為:甲於民國 110 年 3 月 1 日向乙購買 A
屋,雙方約定於同年 5 月 1 日前辦妥所有權移轉登記及交付該屋,惟乙
拒不辦理。乙則抗辯:雙方並未成交。其後於訴訟繫屬中,乙將 A 屋高
價出賣給丙,迅速辦妥 A 屋之所有權移轉登記予丙,並交付之,惟法院
Elly is going on a trip, so she has to leave her pet at the pet hotel. Below is her registration form.
What does Happy Paws offer?
(A) A restaurant where owners and their pets can enjoy food together
(B) A playground where owners and their pets can play together
(C) A place where pets can stay even the owner isn't there
(D) A shop where owners can buy things for their pets