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46.固定化酵素(Immobilized enzyme)方法廣用於食品工業上,其具有許多優點,請問下列哪一項不是其特性?

50 嘉義市欲前往阿里山風景區可由彌陀路經嘉義 縣前往

四、請申論並舉例說明執行農業行政業務涉及之智慧財產權問題。(25 分)

五、請回答臺中港之潮信(Tides)各為幾公尺?(10 分)

【題組】 ⑵小潮升(Np.rise)

一、當比能量固定時,試證於臨界流發生時,會產生最大流量。(10 分)

請依下文回答第 11 題至第 15 題:For United States Government personnel abroad to host a banquet, round tables of six or more persons allowmore flexibility than rectangular ones. Often it is more convenient to 11 at two or more tables of six ormore persons. The advantage of this arrangement is that it affords more places of honor as the host andhostess can each have a co-hostess and cohost at their 12 tables. At seated meals, foreign guests shouldhave precedence 13 Americans of comparable rank with the exception of an American Ambassador.American officials present on such occasions should understand that it is 14 to cede one’s rank to arepresentative of another country. They should forget precedence among themselves and be prepared to beseated in any way that will make conversation easier and will take language abilities into account. To avoidany misunderstanding, it would be well for the host or hostess to inform in advance any guest, whetherAmerican or foreign, who are not seated according to protocol, of the reason for this 15 from the norm.When a high official is a guest, they should obtain his prior permission.
(B) adhere

(B)根據風險資本的配置系統(Capital Allocation System),應將營業單位、業務項目和交易活動的所有風險, 緊密地與銀行自有資本搭配
(D)總行財務處可以使用聯行往來的資金調撥系統,剖析分行等營業單位的營運利潤,並引導各項業務配合 全行的經營政策

二、關稅法第 21 條規定,納稅義務人得於貨物進口前,向海關申請預先 審核進口貨物之稅則號別,惟有那些情形海關不予預先審核?(15 分)

2. This nymph, to the destruction of mankind,
Nourished two locks which graceful hung behind
In equal curls, and well conspired to deck
With shinning ringlets her smooth ivory neck
Love in these labyrinths his slaves detains,
And mighty hearts are held in slender chains.

Carefully read the above quotation, and answer the following questions.

【題組】(b) Please find a word or phrase to replace “conspire.” 

7. 請用白貼及軟墊,進行脛骨內側疼痛症候群(Shin splint)貼紮,最後請以輕彈包覆。