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** 所有鑽石收入,都會有10%的手續費用


20.若公司營收成長 10%時,下列哪種情況最可能顯示公司有虛增營收的情況?
(A)純益率下降 30%
(B)營業淨益率下降 30%
(C)應收帳款週轉率下降 30%
(D)應收帳款收帳天數下降 30%

78.26 歲男性病人,發生嚴重車禍,導致病人頭部創傷重度昏迷,病人腦部電腦斷層結果顯示右側顱內有大量硬 腦膜下出血,導致嚴重腦幹壓迫有急迫生命危險,要儘快幫病人做緊急開顱減壓手術,病人才有比較好的存 活機率,不過開刀病人也可能會死,但卻沒有找到病人家屬,以告知手術治療的必要性與高度不確定的手術 結果。醫師是否應該為其進行手術?

61. 1歲男嬰患有兩側腎臟再生不良(renal dysplasia)與慢性腎衰竭,於門診追蹤時,其腎 功能穩定,creatinine維持1.0 mg/ dL。一星期前有過感冒發燒,持續好幾天胃口不好, 抽血檢查BUN 70 mg/ dL,creatinine 4.0 mg/ dL,請問您如何處理?
(A) water and salt restriction
(B) protein restriction
(C) albumin infusion
(D) fluid and electrolyte supply

2. Please translate the following brief excerpts, and reply to the questions below (25%):

Dementia is among the most common burden of disability and dependency among the ever-growing size of the aging population in many countries. Approximately 10 million newly diagnosed cases of dementia are reported annually worldwide. Currently, there are roughly 50 million people with dementia around the globe. This disease is projected to become 82 million in 2030 and 152 million in 2050. Two-third of these people with dementia reside in the developing countries. The total number of people with dementia is found predominately in the elderly population. Dementia can interfere behaviors associated with daily living, and can also affect their carers and families. There are many lifestyle-related risk factors related to dementia, including physical inactivity, tobacco use, obesity, alcohol, diabetes mellitus and unbalanced diets. Among them, social isolation, low educational attainment, cognitive inactivity, and mid-life depression are potentially modifiable risk factors with origin rooted in their past experience and surroundings. The WHO Assembly endorsed a global action plan not only to 'lower the impact of dementia' and ' improve diagnosis, treatment and care,' but also to 'increase awareness of dementia,' support dementia carers,' and 'enhance health information systems for dementia.' (Modified from the topic of dementia from the WHO website)

32. 下列有關著作財產權的期間屆滿後之敘述,何者正確?
(A) 任何人均可自由利用該著作
(B) 只要付錢給著委會就可以利用著作
(C) 還是要徵得著作財產權人同意,只是不用付錢
(D) 只要付錢給經濟部智慧財產局就可以利用著作


九、厚度為 3×1023 電子/cm2 的碳薄板,受到能量為 1.0MeV 且光子數為 106 的射束所撞 擊,請計算(已知 1.0MeV 光子之康普吞截面積(ρ)為 1.228×10-24 cm2 /atom;1.0MeV 光子之康普吞平均能量轉移為 0.44MeV):(每小題 3 分,共 12 分)


一、海德格在《存在與時間》為自己設定兩個任務,其一他稱為此在的存有論分析,其二是存有 論的歷史解構。請闡釋海德格以下概念:


一、 解釋名詞(每題 5 分,共 20 分)

【題組】 (一) 比馬龍效應(Pygmalion effect)