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▲閱讀下文,回答第 48-50 題
 85 飯店在黃色小鴨展示期間,推出的住房優惠文宣如圖(二):

【題組】50. 文宣中除了①、②的優惠內容外,「優惠房型,數量有限,及早預約享優惠」此說明最能反映下列哪一種旅館業的特性?
(A) synthesis
(B) restless
(C) rigidity
(D) variability

三、國有非公用不動產之改良利用,其辦理方式及辦理事項各如何?經改良後之土地應 如何處理?(25 分)


四、請問法庭之友(amicus curiae)在 WTO 爭端解決實務的地位及所涉及 DSU 的相關 規定為何?(25 分)


6. (30%) A team of engineers for a defense contractor are commissioned by the naval force of a global power to build a nuclear submarine. The specs for the submarine, as demanded by the navy in order to designate the submarine as the Los Angeles Class, is as follows,
 ●Weight: 7,000 tones (1 tone =1,000 kg)
●Top speed when submerged: 20 knots (~37 km/hr)
●Acceleration from rest to top speed when submerged: 1 minute
It is also estimated that all the friction experienced by a submarine submerged in sea water is 3.86 x 106 N. Moreover, such a submarine is conventionally propelled by a steam-driven turbine, with the high-pressure steam generated from a boiler heated by the nuclear reaction. Now, you are assigned the most critical part of the project - design the heat exchange system for the power generation system of the submarine - and need to determine the operation condition of the heat exchanger. Before that can be done, several other operation parameters have to be known in advance.


(1) In the steady-state operation, steam leaving the turbine is condensed and recycled back to the boiler. For the sake of efficacy, steam from the outlet of the turbine is set to 1 bar and 100℃. Given the steam fow rate of 20 kgs, determine the minimal temperature and pressure of steam entering the turbine (assuming entropy generation61936a9c05047.jpg). (4 pts)



一、 A 公司為通訊產品製造商,某日接到 B 公司之警告函,聲明 A 公司產品侵害其所有新型專利 X,A 公司經諮詢專利法律事務所後,決定對 B 公司之新型專利 X 提起舉發,就前述說明,請依專利法規定回答下列問題:

【題組】(一)B 公司以新型專利 X 對 A 公司行使專利權,有何義務及責任?在 A 公司提起舉發前、後,B 公司若要向專利專責機關申請更正,其提出之時間點有何不同?(10 分)

68 旅行業及導遊人員辦理接待來臺觀光之大陸地區人民業務,應遵守相關規定,下列敘述何者錯誤?

12 林小妹每次遇到困難就暈倒,如老師要她彈琴,她彈不出來就暈倒,要她讓妹妹打電動,不願意,就暈過去。每次暈倒,父母皆細心照顧她。若以行為修正法來處理其問題,何項較適當?
(A)負性增強法 (Negative reinforcement)
(B)負性練習法 (Negative practice)
(C)遊戲治療法 (Play therapy)
(D)條件嫌惡法 (Aversive conditioning)

1. 若視覺障礙者的家人對於視覺障礙者使用手杖有不同意見時,定向行動訓練人員初步可做何種處理方 式?