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IV. Composition(30%) Instructions: Based on your own learning experience, write an essay to explain the teaching methods that can motivate you to learn English. This essay should have at least three paragraphs.

六 、 (15 pts) A bakery buys flour in 25 pound bags. The bakery uses 1,21 5 bags per year. Ordering cost is S10 per order, and annual carrying cost is S75 per bag.

【題組】d. Determine the total cost of ordering and carrying flour. (3%)

1.(30%) Short answer questions.

【題組】(a). (10%) Explain the sampling theory.

四、面對職場工作部分失能者,職業重建有著協助重返職場的重要功能。請說明職業重建之具體服務內容為何?以及有何運作之方向與功能?(25 分)

19 According to Taiwan Patent Law, there are several circumstances under which Taiwan Intellectual Property Office may grant compulsory licensing of a patent. These grounds include: ①where a patented invention is to be exploited non-commercially for the enhancement of public interest; ②where a later invention or utility model patent cannot be exploited without infringing upon a prior invention or utility model patent, and where the later invention or utility model patent involves an important technical advancement of considerable economic significance in relation to the prior invention or utility model patent; or ③ where a patentee has committed acts restricting competition or has committed unfair competition acts, for which a judgment has been made by a court of law or a decision has been rendered by the Fair Trade Commission of the Executive Yuan. On what grounds shall a request for compulsory licensing of a patent involving semiconductor technology be based?

59.某57歲男性患者,來診時主訴口眼歪斜,自訴在七天前有輕微打噴嚏流鼻水,稍覺疲倦。五天前突然發生右 側臉頰麻痹感,口角與眼角被拉向左側,喝水時會從右口角漏出。診之右側前額抬頭紋消失,右側顏面部肌 肉肌力與感覺明顯降低。兩側手足肌力與感覺正常。平素有高血壓多年以西藥控制穩定。本病的臨床辨證以 下列何者最適宜?

四、試說明輸配電系統異常過電壓之起因。(25 分)

三、 填空題:(共 10 格,每格 3 分,計 30 分)
1.農會員工總用人費包括薪資、退休金、優退金、職業災害補償、 (1) 及撫卹 準備金、 (2) (3) 、員工獎勵及其他依法應負擔之一切直接間接人事 費用。