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第 16 至 20 題為題組
         Goose bumps are one of those fight-or-flight reactions of the sympathetic nervous system. When you experience cold or fear, a nerve reaction is sent to the muscles, which then contract involuntarily. This muscle contraction causes your body hair to stand erect. The skin with standing body hair __16__ a goose’s skin after its feathers have been plucked—hence the name goose bumps.
          But __17__ is this helpful to us as a response to fear or cold? Back in the days when our ancestors may have had a lot more body hair, this might have helped to keep them warm or scare an oncoming predator. These days, however, goose bumps are __18__ to human beings. Goose bumps, or the reflex that causes them, also occur in many other mammals. Many mammals fluff up their fur when __19__ , to look bigger and thus more dangerous. For example, when a porcupine encounters a predator, its long sharp pointed hairs will stand up as a means of __20__ . In animals with a thick hair coat, the rising of hair traps more air between the hairs, providing another layer of insulation to keep them warm.

(A) threaten
(B) threatening
(C) threatened
(D) to threaten

14. 有三個系統串聯使用,其效率分別為80%、70%與50%,若總輸入功率為1000W,試求 總輸出功率為多少W﹖

       Are you a right-brain or left-brain thinker? Our brain has two parts and each of them deals with different things. The right side of the brain controls the left side of the body and the left side of the brain controls the right side of the body. The left side appears to do a better job with some activities; however, the right side is excellent at dealing with others. 
       People who are left-brain thinkers are often better at math and science. People who are right-brain thinkers often get more interested in art and sports. Left-brain thinkers love to work things out by talking. Right-brain thinkers think that actions speak louder than words. They often think outside the box. They think in different ways and look farther. Left-brain thinkers are often better at names and right-brain thinkers are often good at faces. People who are left-brained always plan their actions and list things that they have to do, like a to-do list. Right-brained people, on the other hand, don't like to make plans and often act on how they feel.
        Although people often use one half of the brain more than the other, both sides are important. People need to exercise both halves of the brain as much as possible.

【題組】25. What is the best title for the reading?
(A) How to Raise Brain Power
(B) Think Twice Before You Act
(C) One Head, Two Different Parts
(D) Ways to Become Smart and Study Well

(二)幼兒園活動與活動之間的轉銜過程可視為幼兒的學習時間,因此在「幼兒 園教保活動與課程大網」中亦強調轉銜時間的重要性。據此前提,請闡釋 以下各問題:

【題組】 (1)請說明幼兒園一日作息中的轉銜時間有哪些?(5分)

4. 一根蠟燭放在空氣中不自己燒起來,但用火柴一下,就會燒起來了。[10分,三小題分別為4、3、3分]


71 若有一基地面積3000 平方公尺,在基地全部利用及合理設置之情況下,請問其約可設置多少數量之小型車停車格位?

2. Assume the following cost information for Fernandez Company:
What is the margin of safety in units if Fernandez Company wants to earn an after-tax net
income of $42,000?
(A) 3,750 units
(B) 2,000 units
(C) 3,050 units
(D) 1,750


35 恆春半島的珊瑚礁海岸,大多屬於下列那一種珊瑚礁類型?