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15. (15 points) A Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP, pronounced snip) is a single nucleotide variation in the genome that recurs in a signifcant proportion of the population of a species. The patterns of Linkage Disequilibrium (LD) observed in the human population reveal a block-like structure. LD refers to the association that particular alleles at nearby sites are more likely to occur together than would be predicted by chance. The entire chromogome can be partitioned into high LD regions interspersed by low LD regions. The high LD regions are usually called "heplotype blocks," and the low LD ones are referred to as "recombination hotspots." Since there is little or no recombination within a haplotype block, these SNPs are highly correlated. Consequently, a smnall subset of SNPs, called tag SNPs or haplotype tagging SNPs, is suficient to categorize the haplotype patterns of the block. It has been shown that we can recast the tag SNP selection problem as Problem W, which is,"Given a universal set U = {u1, u2, ...un} and a family F = {F1, F2,..., Fm} of subsets of U, Aind a minimu um-size subset 620217e25e286.jpg of F, such that every element of U belongs to at least one subset in620217abd5966.jpg

【題組】(b) (10 points) Prove or disprove that Problem W is NP-complete.

一、解釋名詞:(每小題 5 分,共 25 分)

【題組】 ⑸追溯性(Traceability)


一、自 2006 年 6 月,國內反毒政策由中央落實到地方政府。各縣市毒品危害防制中心接獲通報後,便與戒癮更生人聯繫並進行輔導評估,希望其生活早日回歸正常,降低再犯情形。下列為某縣市毒品危害防制中心2006年至2008年對有聯繫上之戒癮更生人資料進行抽樣後獲得之結果:
請執行適當統計檢定方法分析性別與再犯率關係。(當 p 值<0.05,表示達統計顯著意義)(25 分)

28. 依據「各類場所消防安全設備設置標準」及其相關檢修規定,當進行二信號式受信總機火災動作試驗時, 當收到第一信號時,下列何者動作表示其功能正常?

四、煞車系統藉由碟盤或煞車鼓阻止車輪轉動,煞車系統在設計上需考量前、後軸之煞 車力量分配:

【題組】 ⑴若煞車前輪被鎖死(locked),會造成何現象?若煞車後輪被鎖死,會造成何現 象?(12 分)

四、何謂種蛋(hatching egg)?試述種蛋之選擇、貯存及人工孵化等基本作業要點。 (20 分)

三、日前釣魚團體呼籲漁港應全面開放釣魚,政府考量各地及各類漁港之使 用現況,未來在不妨礙港區作業、安全及不造成港區污染情況下,將指 定區域,研定相關措施,公告開放民眾垂釣。請問第一類漁港垂釣區經 營管理計畫書應包括之內容為何?漁港垂釣區應立即關閉之情形為 何?(20 分)

53. 10m/m 厚之鋼板對接手銲時,其開槽角度應為
