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三、山中企業生產單一產品,當年度該企業沒有期初存貨,生產 25,000 單位的產品,每 單位之售價$30,銷售了 20,000 個單位,其他相關資料如下:

【題組】⑸說明何者較能幫助管理者整體的觀察生產、銷售與利潤之創造三者之關聯。(5 分)

三、公有非公用土地之出租或設定地上權方式有何規範事項?請依國有財產法及 土地法之規定分別說明之。(25 分)


提示:綜合題中的〈隧道〉一文,寫到作文為了得獎而虛構情境。文字是為了表達自我 心境,溝通人我關係,如果只想用公式化情節、華詞麗藻得高分,而非展現真實的 情意,就失去了溝通表達的初衷。不過有些情況則例外,虛構情節或內容是一種尋 找自我的過程,因為在撰寫文章的同時,讓自我徜徉在想像的海洋之中,繪製理想 的人生藍圖,這又何嘗不是種自我療癒的方式。 不過,畢竟我們始終要面對現實,從而找到自我生命的價值,如陶淵明〈歸園田 居〉說:「少無適俗韻」,即展現面對真實自我的勇氣。因此,書寫自我真實的生 命情境時,不應困在別人預設的模式之中。 請依引文提示,以「虛構與真實」為題,作白話語體文一篇。 試題至此為止

四、認知行為治療理論從傳統的環境制約論,到考慮到內在認知矯正的認知行為理論,晚近更進展到接納與許諾治療(The acceptance and commitment therapy,簡稱 ACT)理論,試述此一理論和傳統認知行為理 論有何不同?其主要介入策略為何?(25 分)


15. 關於網站應用程式防護,下列敘述何者正確?
(A) 為有效降低網站應用程式受駭風險,原始碼檢測不可於程式開發過程中執行,待開發完成後再一次性執行以達最大效益
(B) 網頁應用程式防火牆(Web Application Firewall, WAF)可有效避免遭受駭客攻擊,且若啟用特徵碼定期更新機制,則受駭風險已降至最低,網站應用程式之安全性測試便可忽略

(C) 網站應用程式所使用之元件若發現弱點,透過網頁應用程式防火牆(Web Application Firewall, WAF)套用虛擬修補(Virtual patching)能有效阻擋攻擊,則不需再對該元件進行修復

(A) 12
(B) 35
(C) 34
(D) 24。

      Joy Hirsch, a neuroscientist in New York, has recently found evidence that children and adults don’t use the same parts of the brain when learning a second language. He used an instrument called an MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) to study the brains of two groups of bilingual people. One group consisted of those who had learned a second language as children. The other consisted of people who learned their second language later in life. People from both groups were placed inside the MRI scanner. This allowed Hirsch to see which parts of the brain were getting more blood and were more active. He asked people from both groups to think about what they had done the day before, first in one language and then the other. They couldn’t speak out loud, because any movement would disrupt the scanning.
      Hirsch looked specifically at two language centers in the brain—Broca’s area, believed to control speech production, and Wernicke’s area, thought to process meaning. He found that both groups of people used the same part of Wernicke’s area no matter what language they were speaking. But how they used Broca’s area was different. 
      People who learned a second language as children used the same region in Broca’s area for both languages. People who learned a second language later in life used a special part of Broca’s area for their second language—near the one activated for their native tongue. 
      How does Hirsch explain this difference? He believes that, when language is first being programmed in young children, their brains may mix all languages into the same area. But once that programming is complete, a different part of the brain must take over a new language. Another possibility is simply that we may acquire languages differently as children than we do as adults. Hirsch thinks that mothers teach a baby to speak by using different methods such as touch, sound, and sight. And that’s very different from sitting in a high school class.

【題組】54. In the study, the subjects were placed inside the MRI scanner to
(A) observe the activities of the brains when they used languages.
(B) observe the movements of the brains when they spoke out loud.
(C) describe the functions of the areas of the brains when they slept.
(D) describe the best areas of the brains for learning second languages.

13.某人打算貸款購買一輛售價$1,560,000 的汽車,頭期款為$480,000;車商所提供的優惠年利率 為 8%為期五年。試問,在此條件下,每月應償付的金額約為多少?