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一、試說明閘流體(thyristor)元件中,矽控整流器(silicon controlled rectifier, SCR)之:

【題組】 ⑵ di/dt 規格(10 分)



四、畜牧法第29條指出,屠宰供食用之豬、牛、羊或其他經中央主管機關指定之家畜、家禽,應於屠宰場為之。但經中央主管機關指定之情形者, 不在此限。請問,免於屠宰場內屠宰之情形,其內容為何?(20分)

二、癌症病人接受化學治療常引起各種副作用。請說明下列化學治療藥品引起副作用的 預防或治療方式為何?(每小題 4 分,共 20 分)

【題組】 ⑷Doxorubicin 引起的心肌病變(cardiomyopathy)

58 生物膜(biofilm)中的細菌對抗生素的抗藥性較懸浮中的細菌高幾倍?

       Five people were on an airplane, including a pilot, a president, a scientist, a priest, and an elementary student. When they were close to the destination, the pilot became very nervous because he found that the fuel was going to run out before landing. However, only four parachutes were left for them. There were only two options left for the passengers. They either had to jump out of the airplane or stay and wait for death. The pilot let the passengers make their decisions first because he thought it was his fault that the plane was out of gas.
      The president regarded himself as the most important person to his country, so he took a parachute and jumped out of the airplane. Then the scientist said that people also needed him, so he jumped with another parachute. Hence, only two parachutes were left. While the pilot and the priest were worried about what to do next, the elementary school student had a smile on his face. "Don’t worry," the student said, "Either the president or the scientist jumped out with my book bag, so we still have three parachutes left."

【題組】44.Who is least likely to survive the air crash?
(A)Either the priest or the pilot.
(B)Either the president or the priest.
(C)Either the president or the scientist.
(D)Both the priest and the pilot.
(E)Both the president and the scientist.

69.一件產品的銷售生命週期,通常會歷經類似的發展階段,一般分為導入期、成長期、成熟期 及

140.( )通關方式之C1為


四、令 phpPUvPFs ,求 a5 + a7 = ?(20 分) 

2. The following scniences involve transfortnaiion. Indicate ihe rules involved, and give ihe deep structure, derivation, and the surface structure for each of ihe following seniences. 30%

(A) What might Chiis bake for the party?