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四、某一連續操作之燃煤鍋爐其煙囪測得之二氧化硫體積排放濃度為 800 ppm,排氣壓 力、溫度及流量分別為 1 atm, 160℃及 500 m3/min。

【題組】 ⑵業主擬降低該燃煤鍋爐之二氧化硫排放濃度至 300 ppm 以下,試建議兩種可達成 之技術或方法,並說明其原理。(10 分)

二、圖 2 為一平面梁。AB 與 BC 之長分別為 2L 與 L,而其慣性矩則同為 I。E 值亦相同。 B 點為一鉸接,承受一個向下的垂直力 P。

【題組】⑵限以虛功法 (單位力法)求 B 點的轉角。(15 分) 註:本題若使用其他方法,整題以零分計。

一、簡述二種常見牛乳中所存在的生理機能性物質之功能及應用?(25 分)


【題組】(g) Free available chlorine

4. 當過濾池水頭損失過大或出水濁度過高,需進行下列何項措施?
(B) 降低出水量,

請依下文回答第 16 題至第 20 題
       Space colonization, once a topic confined to science fiction, has now become a plausible idea. With rapidadvancements in technology and growing interest from both public and private entities, the possibilities ofhumans establishing permanent settlements in space are gaining momentum.
      Space colonization is driven by the vision of expanding human presence beyond Earth and ensuring thelong-term survival of our species. Scientists believe that establishing self-sustaining colonies on celestialbodies such as the Moon, Mars, or even asteroids could provide a solution to future challenges on Earth,including overpopulation and resource depletion. One of the main hurdles in space colonization is thedevelopment of reliable transportation systems. Achieving routine and affordable access to space is critical forlarge-scale migration. The emergence of reusable rocket technology has significantly lowered the cost ofreaching orbit. Moreover, ongoing research on advanced propulsion systems, such as ion engines and nuclearpropulsion, could further enhance our ability to travel longer distances within the solar system. Creatinghabitable environments in space is another essential aspect of colonization. This involves designing closed-loop life support systems that can sustain human life for extended periods. NASA's International Space Station(ISS) serves as a crucial testing ground for developing and refining these technologies. Advances in areas likehydroponics, 3D printing, and energy generation have the potential to enable self-sufficient habitats in space.
      While the challenges are immense, space colonization offers several benefits. One significant advantage isthe potential to exploit extraterrestrial resources. Asteroids, for instance, contain valuable metals like platinumand gold, as well as water ice, which can be utilized for life support and fuel production. By harnessing theseresources, space settlers could establish sustainable economies and reduce dependence on Earth's limitedreserves. The prospect of space migration also opens up new frontiers for scientific discovery. Studyingcelestial bodies firsthand can deepen our understanding of the universe and shed light on fundamental questionsabout the origin and nature of life. Furthermore, the development of technologies and methodologies requiredfor space colonization could have far-reaching applications on Earth, benefiting industries such as medicine,energy, and materials science.
       In conclusion, space colonization has transitioned from science fiction to an attainable goal, opening upnew possibilities for humanity. Unlocking the potential of space migration could mark a significant chapter inour history, allowing us to explore, flourish, and secure the long-term survival of our species beyond the limitsof Earth.

【題組】20 Which of the following can be considered the most suitable tone for this passage?
(A) Questioning.
(B) Mocking.
(C) Sympathetic.
(D) Optimistic.

10.某一部單相感應電動機的轉矩(τ ind)-速度(nm )曲線如【圖 10】所示,此電動機為下列何者?
(D)電容啟動式單相感應電動機 5e951334e8bc7.jpg

38. 下列有關現行 Electronic Wedge Brake(EWB)系統之敘述何者正確?
(A) 使用雙液壓回路搭配電子系統控制
(B) 增設煞車輔助增壓系統來促進煞車效率
(C) 透過線傳控制兩組電動馬達調節煞車蹄片以提高煞車力
(D) 配合輪速感知器可以作油壓調節

四、⑴何謂「物聯網」(Internet of Things, IOT)?(5 分)