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 1. 《魔彈射手》(Der Freischütz)、《費黛里奧》(Fidelio)、《後宮 誘逃》(Die Entführung aus dem Serail),以上三部歌唱劇 (Singspiel)之作曲者各為何人?說明並比較三部作品的內容 與特色。(30 分)

13. 小月在遊樂園的神殿牆壁上看到了如右圖的圖表,而又在後方的牆壁上看到了 以下的文字:
5fa3aecbb7192.jpg 5fa3aee4d270a.jpg試問:上述文字可能是在述說著何種學問?

(A) Kruskal
(B) Dijkastra
(C) Prim
(D) Sollin


3 下列何者,與資料齊備之申請日確定無關?

一、全球地圖常採用麥卡托投影,試說明其投影之方式及特性;但我國地形圖並非採用 此投影方式,試說明其理由及特性。(25 分)

五、吞嚥的運作可分四個階段,試說明其中最重要的是第三個階段,此階段包含那些動 作,主要有那些肌肉、神經運作的參與?(15 分)

四、煞車系統藉由碟盤或煞車鼓阻止車輪轉動,煞車系統在設計上需考量前、後軸之煞 車力量分配:

【題組】 ⑴若煞車前輪被鎖死(locked),會造成何現象?若煞車後輪被鎖死,會造成何現 象?(12 分)

四、繞 徑 ( Routing) 是 網 路 層 很 重 要 的 功 能 之 一 , 在 行 動 隨 意 網 路 ( Mobile Ad Hoc Networks) 中 , 繞 徑 協 定 ( Routing Protocols) 可以簡單區分為 Table-Driven 及 On-Demand 兩類。請回答下列問題: (每小題 10 分,共 20 分)

【題組】(二) Table-Driven 及 On-Demand 繞徑協定,那一類繞徑協定較適合用在行 動隨意網路中,請說明理由。

        In recent years, online shopping has become popular; however, it still caters to the middle and upper class. In order t to shop online, one to ___21___ a c computer, a bank acco ount and a debit card. Shopping ___22___ .the growth of technology.___23___  research found in the Journal of Electronic Commerce, if we focus on the demographic characteristics of the in-home shopper, in general, the higher the level of education, income, and occupation of the head of the household, the more favorable the___24___of non-store shopping. An influential factor in consumer attitude towards non-store shopping is exposure to technology. It has been demo monstrated that incr reased exposu ure to technology incr reases the probability of developing favorable attitudes towards new shopping channels. Online shopping ___25___ the target audience to men and women of the middle class.

(A) has produced
(B) has evolved with
(C) has competed
(D) has involved with