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二、船舶科技日新月異,促使船舶操縱系統亦隨之改善精進,時下許多需要 靈敏操縱性的船舶已採用 AZIPODS 操縱系統,請就您對此一系統的瞭 解加以說明。(20 分)


【題組】(2)以 Excretion Rate Method 作圖時的y軸、斜率和距·(5分)

題目三: 公共關係是促銷組合中相當重要的工具之一,請針對下列公共關係議題進行回答:

【題組】 (一)公共關係的主要功能有哪些?【12 分】

二、預冷經常是許多園產品採收後第一時間所採用的處理技術,請舉出四種 不同預冷技術方法,並說明其原理與適用性。(25分)

376、 下列哪一項會增加最多空氣污染?
(C)烹飪時少 油少鹽

Passage 4: Questions 33-37 
       Disposing of waste has huge environmental impacts and can cause serious problems. In many countries around the world, much is buried in landfill sites. Some waste will eventually rot, but not all, and in the process it may smell, or generate methane gas, which is explosive and __(33)__ the greenhouse effect. Leachate__ (34)__ as waste decomposes may cause pollution. Badly-managed landfill sites may attract vermin or cause litter. 
      A priority is to move from reliance on waste dumps that offer no environmental protection, to waste management systems that__ (35)__ useful resources within the economy. Waste __(36)__ at source and use of specialized waste processing facilities to separate recyclable materials has a key role. Disposal of residual waste after extraction of material resources __(37)__ engineered landfill sites and/or investment in waste-to-energy facilities.

(A) hinges on 
(B) wears out
(C) looks into
(D) contributes to

21. 右側 G()應為一支遞迴函式,已知當 a 固定為 2,不同的變數 x 值會有不同的回傳值如下表 所示。請找出 G()函式中 (a) 處的計算式該 為何?
61387e5b3e2bc.jpg 61387e6167a5a.jpg
(A) ((2*a)+2) * G(a, x - 1)
(B) (a+5) * G(a-1, x - 1)
(C) ((3*a)-1) * G(a, x - 1)
(D) (a+6) * G(a, x - 1)

Independent thinking and research ability are highly stressed in high school curriculum. If you were
assigned to teach project writing for students of Applied Foreign Language Department, how would you
instruct and guide them into finishing a 20-page thesis and English presentation in a semester/an
academic year?

二、企業內部使用的軟體,常因設計瑕疵而存在安全上的隱憂。確保軟體安全有些重要 的原則,例如「設計簡單化」、「適度的權限劃分」等。請說明何謂「設計簡單化」 與「適度的權限劃分」,並請再另外舉出三個確保軟體安全的重要原則。(25 分)