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196. 王奶奶最近常覺得看遠很清楚,看近卻很模糊。請問:王奶奶的眼睛可能產生下列何種問題?

二、A 公司股票在臺灣證券交易所上市交易,該公司去年度稅後盈餘達新臺幣(下同)8 億元,本年盈餘分派除現金分配股利之外,並於股東會決議以部分盈餘轉增資無償配發新股之方式,分配股票股利予股東,試問

【題組】(2)之後,A 公司擬再發行新股現金增資 3 億元,除保留 12% 由員工優先認購外,並提撥 20%對外公開發行,再由原股東按原有持股比例分認之,試問 A 公司本次現金增資案是否合法?

QUESTION 7 What part of a database trigger determines the number of times the trigger body executes? short
(A) Trigger type
(B) Trigger body
(C) Trigger event
(D) Trigger timing

       On the hot and dry land in Africa, a group of thirsty elephants were heading for a water pool less than a mile away. Not knowing why, all of the elephants stopped, with their big ears standing high up in the air. Though it appeared that nothing could be heard, the elephants decided to turn from where the water pool was and walked away quickly. Why was that? What happened? 
       In man's world, communication today becor mes so casy with the help of high technology. We can keep in touch with anyone in almost any part of tho planct in no time. But, what about animals? Animals' communication has been interesting scientists all around the world. After a long time of studying, they have found some really surprising facts. Let's go back to those elephants we just talked about. We can see from the elephants' acts that they're listening to something, and what they have heard tells them to run away. Scientists have found that elephants have their own language to speak with others far away. This special language is spoken infrasound -- sound which is so low that it can't be heard by our ears.
        Now do you still think man is the only animal that can "'talk" to each other?

【題組】27. Which is NOT said about elephants from the reading?
(A) They move in groups.
(B) They are the biggest animals on land.
(C) They are able to talk to cach other by infrasound.
(D) They have a special way to talk to other elephants far away.

20. 圖面中,"GL"係代表

二、描述昆蟲「目」以上,至六足亞門(Hexapoda)之間的高階分類群(taxa) 的分類特徵,並畫出其親緣關係樹。(25 分)

A 女上班來不及,拜託男友 B 男騎機車載送 A 女上班,途中 B 男搶快違規右轉,恰與 C 男酒醉駕駛失控的汽車發生撞擊,導致 A 女與路旁等候公車的 D 女因該事故受有輕重傷。經 鑑定 B、C 之肇事過失責任比重為四成與六成,D 則無過失。請回答下列問題:

【題組】(二)如 A 對 C 訴請損害賠償,C 得否主張過失相抵以減免其賠償金額?原因為何? 【13 分】

題目:目前全國 65 歲以上長者搭乘臺北捷運可享單程票價 4 折優惠。另臺北市敬老卡每月有 480 元點數,原本 僅能用在搭乘公車,自 106 年 10 月 29 日起,臺北 市政府開放敬老卡點數也可搭乘捷運,藉此鼓勵長 者多出門活動。 請以 65 歲以上長者為目標客群,規劃行銷方案(含 執行方式及預期成果),以鼓勵長者搭乘捷運並增加 捷運票箱收入。

一、(1)何謂股票市場中的價值投資策略(Value Strategy)?

31. 以成品拆解方式所得組片做成紙版,此種樣版製作方法稱為