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      Initiated by the German-based NGO WASH United in 2014, Menstrual Hygiene Day (MH Day) is observed on May 28, with the aim of breaking the misconceptions about menstruation and highlighting the importance of good menstrual hygiene management. Roughly 300 million women in India lack access to safe sanitary products, but one social entrepreneur in India, Arunachalam Muruganantham, has been devoted to changing that.
      It all began in 1998, when Arunachalam Muruganantham was shocked to discover that his newly-married wife was using old rags to deal with menstruation because she couldn’t afford sanitary pads and that less than 10% of the women in the surrounding villages used sanitary pads. Thus, the thought of making affordable napkins began to take solid shape in his mind.
      Finding volunteers to test his products was no mean feat, so he decided to test the products himself. Muruganantham used a football bladder filled with goat’s blood and let it flow into a sanitary pad he wore on himself. He became an object of ridicule and everyone thought he had gone mad. After trying various methods, Muruganantham successfully discovered the right material and devised an easy-to-use machine that can manufacture sanitary pads for less than a third of the cost of commercial pads.
       Instead of accepting offers from several corporations to commercialize his machine, Muruganantham sold his machine directly to women’s self-help groups. Now women’s groups can produce their own sanitary pads and sell the surplus. In an interview, Muruganantham said he received a call from a mother from a women’s self-help group telling him that her little girl was going to school. It was the first time a woman had earned enough money to give her daughter an education in the history of that village. This, Muruganantham said, was his greatest compliment.
      By now, Muruganantham has sold over 1,300 machines in India and in other developing countries as well. In 2014, Muruganantham was named in TIME Magazine’s list of 100 most influential people.

【題組】44. According to the fourth paragraph, why could the little girl go to school?
(A) She no longer lacked access to affordable and safe menstrual hygiene products.
(B) Her mother could support her by working in a women’s self-help group producing sanitary pads.
(C) Arunachalam Muruganantham, a social entrepreneur in India, donated a large sum of money to her village.
(D) People in India had fewer misconceptions about menstruation and paid more attention to good menstrual   hygiene management.

(e) If a relation R is transitive, then R2 must also be transitive.


2.試導證 (∂S/∂V)S=(∂P/∂T)T 其中S為熵,V為體積,P為壓力,T為溫度。 無

二、有一單相變壓器 kVA, V, Hz ,其開路測試(OCT)及短路測試 (SCT)資料為:
 OCT:(100 V,20 A,1000 W) 
SCT:(50 V,100 A,1414 W), 試求:

【題組】⑶求此變壓器之標么等效電路。(10 分)

有一部 8 極 60 Hz 之三相感應電動機,其滿載轉速為 882 rpm,求此時:


6 肋骨骨折在兒童虐待時常發現,大部分發生的情形是在:

10. 假設小新將資金投資於甲公司、乙公司及丙公司,三種股票的資金比例分別為 50 %、 30 %、20 %,已知甲公司、乙公司、丙公司之投資獲利大於零的機率分別為 30 %、 20 %、10%,請問小新投資一年後,投資獲利大於零是來自於甲公司的機率為何?
(A) 0.0870
(B) 0.2609
(C) 0.4348
(D) 0.6522

13. 根據現行《政府組織綱要法》,澳門特別行政區主要官員由在澳門通常居住連續滿十五年的哪些人擔任?
(A) 澳門居民
(B) 澳門特別行政區永久性居民中的中國公民
(C) 中國公民
(D) 外國公民