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二、有一桁架如下圖,B 點為鉸支撐,D 點為與水平呈 45°之滾支撐。E 點受 一集中水平力 P。試求 B 點及 D 點之反力及方向、各桿件軸力(請重畫該桁架,將軸力寫在各桿件旁,張力為正,壓力為負)。 (25 分)

六、試敘述生物力學分析(biomechanical analysis)在臨床醫學之應用實例。另說明「有限 元素分析」(finite element analysis)之基本原理、如何建構生物力學分析數學模型及 進行電腦模擬。(20 分)


三、 請試從「海洋帝國」的視角,分別討論末、元、明、清與周邊國家的互動關係。 (30%)

9 . 單 眼 相 機一 般 搭配外 加 式 閃光 燈 的 G N 值,在使 用 I S O 1 0 0 的 軟片 時 為 2 3 / m:假 設 主體 距 離閃光燈 2 公尺 , 為達 正 確 之曝 光 量,使 主 體 清晰 , 則光圈 f 值 應 設 為多 少較 為 理 想
(A) f / 2
(B) f /11
(C)f / 2 2
(D) f / 3 2。

8.棘皮動物在生殖方面,除海參綱中的少數種類為雌雄同體,且雄性先熟,多數的棘皮動物皆為 雌雄異體,生殖孔在反口面靠造腕基部的中央盤上,有性生殖係以體外受精的方式完成交配, 個體發育中有不同型態的幼蟲:羽腕幼蟲、短腕幼蟲、海膽幼蟲、(1)______、樽形幼蟲、(2) ______及(3)______等






        Do you grab a candy bar when you feel tired? Do you soothe your weary mind with a doughnut? These quick fixes offer a temporary high that could actually be fueling your fatigue, sending you on a blood-sugar roller coaster. For example, researchers at Kansas State University measured mood in 120 college women who drank twelve ounces of water or beverages sweetened with either aspartame (NutraSweet) or sugar. Within 30 minutes the women who drank the sugarsweetened beverage were the drowsiest. Some people are so sensitive to sugar or caffeine that they feel tired, irritable, or depressed within an hour of eating even two cookies or drinking one cup of coffee. Others can tolerate large sugar doses before symptoms develop.
         Sugar is a good source of carbohydrate—the energy fuel—so why do sweets bring you down? For one thing, unlike starch, which slowly releases carbohydrate units called glucose into the blood, sugar dumps rapidly into the bloodstream, causing a rapid rise in blood sugar. To counteract this rise, the pancreas quickly releases insulin, which shuttles excess sugar from the blood into the cells. Consequently blood sugar drops, often to levels lower than before the snack.
         Sugar also increases tryptophan levels in the brain and triggers the release of the brain chemical serotonin, which in turn slow you down. A researcher and a professor of psychology at the MIT report that people feel sleepier and have “less vigor” for up to three and a half hours after eating a highly refined carbohydrate snack, as compared to a snack that contains more protein.
          Finally, people who frequently snack on sweets are likely to consume inadequate amounts of the energizing nutrients. Researchers in Australia report that the more sugar people consume, the higher their fat and calorie consumption and the lower their intake of vitamins and minerals.
        Consuming sugar as a quick fix for dwindling energy merely results in a temporary high, but in the long run, it can initiate a vicious energy cycle.

【題組】39. Which of the following items is NOT increased or released after the intake of sugar?
(A) insulin
(B) tryptophan
(C) serotonin
(D) calcium


【題組】⑵若在非常輕的負載下運轉,蒸發器會面臨怎樣的問題,如何解決?(10 分)