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閱讀開啟孩子的視野與世界,閱讀習慣的養成有助於孩子思維成長,因此,閱讀教育一直是近幾年的重要教育政策。作為一位未來中等學校教師,在暑假之際鼓勵孩子多閱讀是重要的,請舉出三本您會推薦高中職學生閱讀之書籍,並說明您推薦之原 因。

1 下列何種情況,為膀胱脫垂婦女常主訴的症狀?

(二)試推導出氫原子的能量與波耳半徑,以物理量表示之,並指出氫原子的 能量量子化。(15分)

(c) This hand-made raw silk garment of the highest quality is washable. Though machine washing is permissible, hand washing is recommended. In either case, do not use hot water. Cool or cold water is recommended. For machine washing, do not wash with colored articles. Use a gentle washing cycle. Do not use fabric softener. For hand washing, gently rub a small amount of washing detergent into the soaked garment. Wash thoroughly and carefully without force. When finished, use hands to6 press out excess water. Do not use a dryer, nor allow to dry in direct sunlight. For best results, place on a towel or a clothes rack or hang in the shade to dry overnight.
       If dry cleaning is preferred, be sure to notify the cleaner that this garment is raw silk.
       To remove grease stains, use a sponge to apply a grease solvent; then dry. Repeat if stain is still visible. Be patient: Removing a yellow grease stain caused by age or heat may require several applications. Do not use chlorine, peroxygen bleach, or sodium perborate on this garment.

【題組】35. Which of the following is most likely the garment?
(A) A pair of socks.
(B) A fashionable belt.
(C) A pair of shoes.
(D) A woman’s blouse.


38 目前最常使用之乾式氮氧化物(NOX)控制技術為下列何者?