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33. 下列何者不是企業行銷應該遵循的行為規範標準?

1.Please read the following article and answer the question below:
LIDAR, short for light detection and ranging, is a remote-sensing method that measures distances between objects through the use of pulsed laser light. The systems help autonomous vehicles maneuver. They're used in airports to monitor the flow of passengers in real-time, and by manufacturers to monitor supply chains. As the global pandemic continues, some manufacturers are realizing they can repurpose their LIDAR systems for monitoring employee distancing. For manufacturers, there is no remote work option. As they reopen in the face of COVID-19, they need to take extra precautions, including remote temperature sensing.
       The CyLab researchers developed an algorithm to measure forehead temperatures on multiple faces. They fused data returned from multiple sensors and data sources, including thermal and visual, to find the desired accuracy. The new system reduces false negative and false positive detection results. It also self-calibrates its own measurements to include factors of distance and ambient temperature.
 Please translate the following terms into Chinese (3% for each)
(A)remote-sensing (F) precautions
(B)real-time (G) algorithm
(C) manufacturers (H) fused data
(D)global pandemic (I) false negative
(E) employee (J) ambient temperature

(A) 1 匝
(B) 2 匝
(C) 3 匝
(D) 4 匝


一、請使用 Java or C++,設計一具網路訂購功能的食品訂單管理資訊系統。系統應依如 下的 class diagram 建立相關的類別資訊。(40 分phpBSUgcu應能產生類似如下的結果 php2Ia4Eq


【題組】⑸fault-bend fold; fault-propagation fold


【題組】 ⑴請列舉您認為影響最大的三大罩門,並說明理由。(10 分)

1. Classify groups of order n up to isomorphism in the following two cases.

【題組】 (a) [5%] n= 2021 = 43 x 47.

2. 請依第 1 題之案例,列出醫院所要新建之長照大樓在其生命週期中會經歷那些階 段,並且說明每一階段之主要工作事項以及參與的人員或組織。 (25 分)