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二、 如下圖所示,若變壓器的匝數比N1:N2=1:2,則當V1=100V 時,交流電壓表V2與V3的讀值分別為多少? (每題10分, 共20分)

【題組】(一) V2交流電壓表的讀值為多少(10分)

6. 小星對黑輪、米血和貢丸的邊際效用表如下,當黑輪每支10元,米血每支20元,貢丸每個5元。試回答下列問題:

【題組】(2) 若由小星自行付費,首先應購買何者?

二、請在東亞文化史中,擇定一位歷史人物(如管仲、孔子、孟子、唐太宗)或一部經典 (如《論語》、《孟子>)或一種制度(如科舉制度)為例,分析東亞文化圈中各地文化 或思想發展之異同,並析論此種異同在東亞文化史上之意義。(25分)


【圖五】表示一螺旋起重機的螺距為 0.5 公分,有長 0.8 公尺的柄,今欲抬起 628N 的重物,請問:


【題組】(二)該作用力 F 作了多少功?【5 分】


一、試比較大量生產(mass production)、手工生產(craft production)及精實生產(lean production)的優缺點。(25 分)

四、查緝機關於某家越南雜貨店查獲一箱豬肉鬆,經調查後發現產地為越 南,為經快遞輸入且未經檢疫,試問豬肉產品若來自非洲豬瘟疫區的檢 疫條件為何?針對防止非洲豬瘟入侵,試以動物產品檢疫為重點,提出圍 堵策略。(25 分)

 8:30 PM
Outlook is back with a new series of reports to keep you up date with all that’s new in the world of entertainment . Stories go all the way from the technical to the romantic , from stage to screen . There will be reports of the stars of the moment , the stars of the future and the stars of the past . The director with his new film . the designer with the latest fashion . and the musician with the popular song are part of the new Outlook . The program is introduced by Fran Levine .
 9:00 PM 
When a 10-year-old boy gets a first class degree  in mathematics or an 8-year-old plays chess like a future grand master . they are considered as geniuses . Where does the quality of genius come from ? Is it all in the genes (基因) or can any child be turned into a genius ? And if parents do have a child who might become a genius in the future . What should they do ? In this 30-minute film , Barry Johnson , the professor at School of Medicine , New York University will help you discover the answer .
 10:00 PM
    Is it possible to beat high blood pressure without drugs ? The answer is “yes”, according to the researchers at Johns Hopkins  and three other medical centers . After a study of 800 persons with high blood pressure , they found that after 6 months , those devoted to weight loss—exercise and eating a low—salt , low-fat food—lost about 13 pounds and became fitter . Plus , 35% of them dropped into the “normal” category(范畴). This week , Dr . Alan Duckworth will tell you how these people reduce their blood pressure to a level similar to what’s achieved with Hypertension drugs .

【題組】65.Who will be most probably interested in Discovery ?
(A).Parents who want to send their children to a school of medicine .
(B).Children who are good at mathematics .
(C).Parents who want their child to become another Albert Einstein .
(D).Children who are interested in playing chess .