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36. 雇主於臨時用電設備加裝漏電斷路器,可減少下列何種災害發生?
(D)被撞 。


四、Viết văn(30 分) 
“Kế hoạch ngọn đuốc”(火炬計劃)là một trong những chính sách được đánh giá là tương đối thành công của Sở di dân. Anh (chị) có thể giới thiệu một số điểm chính của nội dung kế hoạch này?

四、由於貪腐損及國民對公正公務的信賴,削弱國民法意識,進而招致全社會的腐敗, 因而反貪腐便成為政府廉能施政的重點所在。試從刑事政策的觀點來論述反貪腐之 刑事政策思考為何?(25 分)

19. 如圖所示電路,VA、VB為同阻值之電阻性負載,當開關閉合後,則VA及VB的關 係為何?

(A) V A =0 V
(B) V B =0 V
(C) VA =V=12 V
(D) VA =12 V A ,VB =0 V 


四、薄壁箱型斷面尺寸如圖四所示,假設斷面材料性質 G,斷面預期受到之扭力 T、垂直剪力 V、橫向水平剪力 H。請試述下列關於剪力流之問題;(作答過程可維持參數符號或以下列代表值進行計算,G=10 GPa、 T=1 kN-m、V=H=1 kN、h=1 m、t=10 cm)

【題組】(二)斷面僅受到圖四(b)垂直剪力時,計算剪力流分布趨勢、方向及標示出最大值位置。(10 分)


【題組】2. 第一次世界大戰日本參戰背景

VI. Reflexive Verben: Ergänzen Sie die passenden Reflexivpronomen und Verben. Bitte achten Sie auf die Zeitangabe. Jedes Verb darf nur einmal benutzt werden. sich ausruhen, sich vorbereiten, sich unterhalten, sich erinnern, sich bedanken

【題組】2. Wenn wir uns getroffen haben, haben wir ___________ immer über Kunst _________________.

25. Consider the following gas samples:
Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?

(A) Assuming identical intermolecular forces in the two samples, sample M should be more
nearly ideal than sample N.

(B) The root-mean-square velocity of molecules in sample M is twice as large as the root-
mean-square velocity of molecules in sample N.

(C) The average kinetic energy of the molecules in sample M is twice the average kinetic
energy of the molecules in sample N.

(D) The fraction of molecules in sample M having kinetic energies greater than some high
fixed value is larger than the fraction of molecules in sample N having kinetic energies
greater than that same high fixed value.

(E) The volume of sample M is twice the volume of sample N.