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6. 車站轉乘空間的規劃,應考慮最重要的主體為何?

56 與國際空運、陸運比較,下列何者非國際海運優勢?

三、 填空題:(共 10 格,每格 3 分,計 30 分)
1.農會員工總用人費包括薪資、退休金、優退金、職業災害補償、 (1) 及撫卹 準備金、 (2) (3) 、員工獎勵及其他依法應負擔之一切直接間接人事 費用。

33. 下列何者不是企業行銷應該遵循的行為規範標準?

五、目標達成量表(GoalAttainmentScaling,GAS)是具實證基礎及信、效度且被廣泛使用的成效評量工具,可針對多樣化且個別化的治療目標成效提供標準化評量, 試述如何使用GAS 評量個案接受治療後的進步(或退步)狀況(15分)

二、英翻中:Please translate the following passage into Chinese.(20 分)
 Engagement is what flow is defined by—high, high levels of engagement. People experience flow in many kinds of work, from looking at the tiniest cells to exploring the largest scales of the universe. One of the famous cell biologists described flow looking through a microscope; astronomers describe it looking through telescopes. Similar flow states are described by musicians, painters, computer programmers, tile setters, writers, scientists, public speakers, surgeons, and Olympic athletes. People experience it playing chess, writing poetry, rock climbing, and disco dancing. Almost without exception, the flow state is when one does his or her best work.


2. The vehicle in Fig, 2 has a m nass of 1.5 Mig and mass center at G. If the front two springs each have a stiffness of kA = 58 kN/m and the rear tw wo springs each have a stiffness of kB = 65 kN/m. Determine their compression when the car is parked on a 30°incline. Additionally, what friction force FB must be applied to each rear wheel to hold the vehicle in equilibrium? (35%)



2. A cylinder (cross-sectional diameter of 0.01128 m) containing chloropicrin (CCl3NO2) is placed in a hood. The hood has a blower system that continually circulates dry air at a constant temperature 25℃ and 1 atm pressure. Originally, the liquid surface is 0.0388 m from the top of the cylinder. After one day the liquid level is 0.0412 m below the top. The vapor pressure and density of CCl3NO2 are 3178.3 N/m2 and 1650 kg/m3, estimate the substances diffusivity in air. Molecular weight of CCl3NO2 is 164.39. (20%)

三、解釋下列專有名詞:(每小題 5 分,共 25 分)

【題組】 ⑵Business Process Management System