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10.考慮內、外徑各為r1、r2之圓形中空管狀樑截面,當樑截面承受截面剪切力V時,截面中最大剪切應力產生於截面中性軸(neutral axis)位置處,將截面最大剪切應力表示為:

其中A 為此樑截面面積,試問k 值應為何?
(A) 3/2
(D) 5/4
(E) 6/5

依下文回答第 11 題至第 15 題
       The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) systems failed on early Wednesday morning. This accident that __11__ thousands of flights across the country appeared to have been the result of a mistake. According to the internal review, an error occurred during the routine __12__   . “An engineer replaced one file withanother, not realizing that the mistake was __13__ made,” an official said. As the systems began showingproblems and __14__ failed, FAA staff feverishly tried to figure out what had gone wrong. The engineer whomade the error did not realize what had happened. The FAA said normal operations were __15__ graduallyafter ordering a nationwide pause on all domestic departures. It regretted that a computer failure had delayedand canceled flights around the country.

(A) impacted
(B) assessed
(C) exposed
(D) heralded

四、利 用 掃 描 式 電 子 顯 微 鏡 裝 設 之 X 光能量偵測器( EDS, Energy Dispersive Spectrometer)可以分辨元素種類,但是卻被視為半定量之分析技術,請詳細討論所 有影響定量之原因,為何有極大之不準度?(15 分)如何提高定量準確度?(5 分)

三、根據國際勞工組織(ILO)的主張,數位化(Digitalization)包含自動化 (Automation)與人工智慧(AI)兩個主要的面向,請說明數位化發展對於勞工權益的影響為何,而工會又該如何因應數位化發展的影響? (25 分)

6. Let f(x) = (sina)/x. Which of the following statements are true?
(A) 61ca811372651.jpg
(B) 61ca8151c5bf1.jpg
(C) 61ca816f07612.jpg
(D) maxxf(x)=1.
(E) None of the above.


三、假設空氣之黏滯係數為 0.067 kg/m-hr,懸浮微粒之密度為 2.0 g/cm3,空氣密度為635777f91ab6f.jpgg/cm3 ,懸浮微粒粒徑為 40 μm,請回答下列問題(計算至小數點後第 2 位,以下四捨五入):

【題組】(三)承上,請說明適用 Stokes 公式之條件及此雷諾數數值是否與之相符?


(B) rickets

何謂矩陣組織(matrix organization)?其適用時機及優缺點為何?請分別說明之。【20 分】