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三、請說明至少 4 種基本的攝影機運動(camera movement)之中英文名詞, 並舉例這 4 種運動模式的使用時機。(30 分)

III. Give the structures A through O for the following reactions. (2% each, 30%) 


(f) 5ec0c3b484348.jpg


       Computers can now beat the best human minds in the most intellectually challenging games like chess. They can also__26__tasks that are difficult for adult humans to learn, such as driving cars. Yet autonomous machines have difficulty learning to co-operate. That’s something__27__young children do. Human co-operation__28__easy, but it’s very difficult to imitate because it__29__cultural norms, deeply rooted instincts, and social mechanisms that express disapproval of non -collaborative behavior. Such common sense mechanisms aren’t easily built into machines. Thus, the same AI software programs that effectively play the board games of chess and checkers, Atari video games, and the card game of poker, often__30__to consistently co-operate when it’s necessary.

(A) counts with
(B) prevents from
(C) relies on
(D) turns into

5. (12%) True and False (If the statement is false, explain why it is "false")

【題組】(d) BIM is the most recently developed project delivery method.


1. The venturi meter shown in Fig. I carries water at 60 ℃ (The specific weight γ = 9.65 kN/m3). The specific gravity of the gage fluid in the manometer is 1.25. Calculate the velocity of flow at scction A and the volume flow rate of wate



4. 下列有關登革熱之描述何者錯誤?
(D)症狀從從輕微或不明顯,到發燒、出疹的典型登革熱,或出現嗜睡、躁動 不安、肝臟腫大等警示徵象。

30.在關切原住民處境的公共藝術中,若能邀請當地耆老一同參與討 論,原住民藝術家親自規劃公共空間,並聘請會運用原住民工法 的當地人來興建公共建築,則可以促進下列哪一項目的的發生?
(C)表達一般人對原住民族的刻板印象是無可避免,也永遠無法挑 戰的宿命
(D)凝聚少數族群的共識,補足長期以來社會中被忽略的族群與土 地的關係

3.如图所示,纸面内有一矩形导体闭合线框动abcd.ab边长大于bc边长,置于垂直纸面向里、边界为MN的匀强磁场外,线框两次匀速地完全进入磁场,两次速度大小相同,方向均垂直于MN。第一次ab边平行MN进入磁场.线框上产生的热量为Q1,通过线框导体横截面的电荷量为q1:第二次bc边平行MN进入磁场.线框上产生的热量为Q2,通过线框导体横截面的电荷量为q2,则   A:Q1>Q2 q1=q2   
(B) Q1>Q2 q1>q2   C:Q1=Q2 q1=q2   D: Q1=Q2 q1>q2

67 下列各種方式可促進抗原抗體反應,何者除外?
(A)紅血球經過酵素(如:papain, bromelin, ficin 等)處理
(B)加入 polyethylene glycol
(D)增加 pH 值