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12 「各級各類學校相關課程及教材,應採多元文化觀點,並納入原住民族歷史文化及價值觀,以增進族群間之瞭解及尊重。」請問上述內容係規定在那一部法規範?

5.Which of the following statements is True in relation to prostaglandin analogues of anti-glaucoma drugs?_________
(A) Reduction of intraocular pressure (IOP) by increased iridocorneal outflow of aqueous humor;
(B) Can cause mydriatic (dilated pupil) in dogs;
(C) More effective in canine glaucoma than feline glaucoma;
(D) Good to use in infiamed eyes. (5%)

16-20 題 閱讀測驗:請根據題意,選擇一個最適當的答案。
       There is convincing evidence that the risk and protective factors that arise in a person's early childhood can lead to socially undesirable outcomes such as crime later in life. There is however increasing evidence that interventions early in a child's life can be effective in reducing later life crime, and that interventions can procure economic as well as social benefits. In particular, research has shown that early childhood intervention approaches to crime prevention require involvement from all sectors of the community, including police, other government agencies, and community groups. Police can play an important role in terms of providing facilitation between the various government and community organizations. Police are also in a position to be strong advocates for early childhood intervention approaches. However, this approach to crime prevention is a long-term approach, and in the short term there is still an ongoing need for police and other related agencies to continue with the range of crime prevention initiatives currently in place.

【題組】19.If someone is in place, it is ________.
(A) unsuitable
(B) replaced
(C) ready to work
(D) unimportant

51 帕金森氏病人(Parkinson’s disease)在吞嚥的口腔期,典型的舌頭運動型態為下列何者?
(A)舌頭前後滾動(anterior-posterior rolling)
(B)舌頭向前伸(tongue thrust)
(C)舌頭搜尋動作(searching movement)
(D)舌頭徐動(athetoid movement)

41. 下列何者不為形成繩波駐波的要件?
(A) 繩子需有張力
(B) 入射波與反射波頻率需相同
(C) 繩波傳遞速度需大於聲速
(D) 繩長為半波長的整數倍

第二部分:邏輯(共50分) 請將下列語句依括號内指定的符號轉換為述詞邏輯(predicate  logic)中的語句(每題5分): 

【題組】6. The only Taiwan President who is female is Ing-Wen Tsai.
 (a: Ing-Wen Tsai; Px: x is Taiwan President; Fx: x is female)


【題組】(一)梯狀脈(Ladder veins)

010 行駛在積水路段,應減速慢行。