Question set V Suppose we have an undirected graph G=(V,E), where V=(a,b,c,d,e,fg,ij and E=([(a,i), 2], [(a,b), 6J, [(a,g),
4], [(b,c), 7, [(b,e), 9], [(c,d), 4], [(d,8), 5], [(e,8), 8], [(f,8), 2], [(f,i),3]). Note that [(x,v),w] indicates that
there is an edge, with weight w, between vertices x and y. Please answer the following questions.
【題組】25. Which of the following are true for the resulting tree obtained in Question 23?
(A) The edge (a,g) is
contained in the tree;
(B) The edge (a,b) is contained in the tree;
(C)The edge (b,c) is contained in
the tree;
(D) The edge (c,d) is contained in the tree.