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四、臨床試驗常是創新型侵入性醫療器材能否進入市場的重要環節,不管國外引進或國 內自行研發的產品。你若是策略擬定者,請說明考量因素及落實方案。(25 分)

一、依提示,若甲直轄市想推動轄區環境保護計畫,來提升民眾生活品質, 請問甲市應依循那些地方制度法規定,並採行那些途徑來落實此計畫? 各途徑作法與程序又為何?(25 分)

第一題: 甲公司向乙汽車經銷公司採購汽車 5 台,作為公司公務車,價金一共新台幣 450 萬元。 請回答下列問題:

【題組】(二)甲公司在汽車交貨後,向丙保險公司辦理竊盜險。丙保險公司為招攬客戶,在保 險條款中規定,若被保險車輛遭竊,其將賠償相當於該被竊車輛價值三倍之保險 金,此保險條款是否有效?理由為何?【10 分】

2. ELF-awareness pedagogy has been a heated topic in language teaching. Please explain what ELF-awareness pedagogy is. Do you agree or disagree the incorporation of ELF-awareness pedagogy in elementary schools in Taiwan? Why or why not? (25%)

As I held my father’s hands one night, I couldn’t help but notice their calluses(老茧)and roughness. His hands tell the story of his life as a 16 ,including all his struggles. One summer, I remember, a drought (旱灾)hit Ontario,turning it into a 17 desert.On one og those hot mornings I was picking sweet corn with my dad to fill the last 18 from the grocery store.Fifty dozen was all we needed, which 19 took twenty minutes.That morning,however,the process didn’t 20 quickly.After forty minutes of aimlessly walking in the field,we 21 needed twenty dozen.I was completely frustrated and 22 .Dropping the basket heavily, I declared, “If the store wants its last twenty dozen,they can pick it themselves1”Dad 23 .“Just think,my little girl,only ten dozen left for each of us and then we’re 24 .” Such is Dad----whatever problem he 25 ,he never gives up. 26 , the disastrous effects of the drought were felt all over our county.It was a challenging time for everyone, 27 Dad remained optimistic.He 28 to be grateful for other things like good health and food on our plated.Only then did I truly begin to 29 Dad and his faith that guided us through the hard times. Dad is also a living example of real 30 .From dawn to dusk,he warks countless hours to 31 our family.He always puts our happiness 32 his own,and never fails to cheer me on at my sports games 33 his exhaustion after long days. His loving and selfless nature has inspired me to become more sympathetic and 34 putting others first. Dad,the life 35 I have learned from you will stay with me forever.You are my father,teacher,friend and,most importantly,my hero.

20. 農民分得比例是評估農民收入重要指標之一,請問以下哪些因素會影響農民分得比例:

四、環評中之生態調查,常以指標或指數呈現。請就動物生態多樣性及均勻 度,各舉二種常見之指標或指數,並說明其意義。(25 分)

二、近年來,網路資訊安全威脅日益嚴峻,機關組織都面臨著重大的挑戰。為 了抵禦這些威脅,資訊安全的防範手段也在不斷創新與進步,並發展出新 的資訊安全架構模型-「零信任架構」(Zero Trust Architecture, 簡稱 ,期望能有效阻止無法預測的網路攻擊。請說明何謂 ZTA、ZTA 的 ZTA)目的、ZTA 的核心原則,以及 ZTA 與傳統安全架構的差異?(14 分)

四、電子資源長期保存是數位時代圖書館、檔案館的重要課題,請列出電子資源長期保存策略 相關的技術有哪些?並說明轉置技術在電子資源長期保存的應用。(20分)

11 對於失落事件的哀悼反應,根據 Worden 提出的建議方案,在初期治療師可做何處理?