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5.火成岩中含有各種礦物,如果礦物中含有矽氧的成份愈高,整體岩石的顏色將看起來愈淺, 下列選項中哪種岩石之矽氧成份最高?

四、何謂限制登記?依土地登記規則規定限制登記包括那些登記?試述之。(25 分)

6 紋溝沖蝕(rill erosion):

                                                      Article 6 
(source: IEEE journal of translational engineering in health and medicine. 2018; 6:190050) Silent Myocardial Ischemia (SMI) is an issue of public health that leads to heart attack and significanty influences the mortality rate in patients with type 2 diabetes. SMI is myocardial ischemia without   chest discomfort and other angina symptoms. The incidence rate of SMI in diabetic patients was 2.2 times higher than the incidence rate of SMI in nondiabetic patients. SMI had been investigated and confirmed with a 6%- 23% prevalenco in diabetic patients using Myocardial Perfusion Imaging (MP) and invasive coronary angiography. SMI can lead to acute myocardial infarction, adverse cardiac events, and poor prognosis outcomes, that are severe in diabetic care. Therefore, it is quite important to have an early predictor of SMI that can feasibly screen diabetic patients and give a risk stratification of heart ischemia and may prevent many diabetic patients from sudden cardiac death or adverse cardiovascular events. Holter devices, the ambulatory clectrocardiography (ECG), has proven to be a useful tool to detect patients at high risk of SMI. However, Holter devices need to monitor the patients over the course of 24 hours or even up to 72 hours to detect abnormal clectrical signals from the electrocardiogram. This long-term measurement makes the Holter less effective for screening the whole population of high cardiovascular risk group such as diabetic groups. Besides the ambulatory ECG, low ankle-brachial index (ABI) and microalbuminuria, the albumin-tocreatinine ratio (ACR) between 30mg/g to 300mg/g, have also been investigated in the detecti tion of SMI. Another potential method of detecting SMI is using arterial pulse spectru um analysis. The spectrum of arterial pulse wave reflects the loading condition of the arterial system, which has been investigated, modeled, applied, and interpreted in many clinical studies. According to Lin's model, radial pulse spectrum analysis can reveal the arterial-ventricular function by its harmonics change. Chen et al. validated this concept and proved that the specific characteristic of radial pulse spectrum changed from the resting state to the onset of acute, uncomplicated myocardial infarction state, and gradually shifted to other resting characteristics a week after surgery. Furthermore, the cross-sectional study showed that the harmonics of the radial pulse spectrum were correlated with the ischemic heart disease. To summarize results from those studies, the ventricular-arterial coupling system distributed the pressure pulse wave to different organs in proportions of harmonics according to the system state. Therefore, the pattern of harmonic components could reveal the blood flow condition of organs, and more specifically, reveal the condition of myocardial perfusion. However, there is still a lack of direct statistic evidence quantifying the correlation between harmonics of the radial pulse wave and myocardial perfusion, and validating whether the harmonics of the pulse spectrum contains the information in identifying SMI. Hence, the objective of this study was to statistically validate the degree of confidence that the harmonics of radial pulse spectrum and myocardial perfusion were correlated, using receiver operating characteristic curve (ROC) and multivariable linear regression. This report chose type 2 diabetic patients because of their high-risk prevalence for SMI. We included the patients without any angina pectoris history, at high risk of SMI, and suitable for performing MPI. We further investigated the relationship between SMI and different risk factors. In the end, this report analyzed the different risk factor profiles to propose an effective and efficient method for early SMI diagnosis.

【題組】49.__________as risk markers to improve the risk strati fication of SMI in type 2 diabetes. According to the article, which of the followings is suitable to fill in the blank?
(A) Clinical syndromes
(B) Radial pulse spectrum analysis
(C) type 2 diabetes
(D) Myocardial perfusions

64.甲在路邊撿到主物之書籍,任意將其丟亲在馬路邊的拉圾桶裡。試問:甲 成立何罪?

19 自治規則定名時,不得以下列何者為名?

Passage D:       Three satellites found that 97 percent of Greenland—the land 26. second only to Antarctica for its volume of ice—underwent a thaw never before seen in 33 years of satellite 27. , NASA reported Tuesday. Satellite experts at first didn't trust their readings, especially since they showed an incredible 28. . Over four days, Greenland's ice sheet—which 29. 683,000 square miles—went from 40 percent in thaw to nearly entirely in thaw.         "This was so extraordinary that at first I questioned the result: Was this real or was it 30. to a data error?" Son Nghiem of NASA's Jet Propulsion Lab in Pasadena, Calif., said in NASA's statement about the findings.

2-3 題,請參考下列敘述作答。
 X 產品的產品結構圖以及物料生產(或準備)時間(PT,以天為單位)如下圖所示; 5cd0dd8580819.jpg

【題組】2.要生產 100 個 X,需要多少個 G?


5.A 3.5 mole sample of an ideal gas, for which 6138308b54aca.jpg = 3R / 2, initially at 25℃ and 1.6x106 Pa, under goes a two-stage transformation. For each of the stages described in the following list, calculate the final pressure, as well as q, w, ∆U , and ∆H . Also calculate q, w, ∆U , and ∆H for the complete process.

【題組】 (a) The gas is expanded isothermally and reversibly until the volume triples.

3.A 型流感病赤(InfluenzaAvirus)會引起季節性流感及全球大流行。
