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9. 質點作等速圓周運動,其質量為 m、角速率為 ω 、圓周半徑為 r, 則下列敘述何者 錯 誤 ?
(A)質點的切線速率為 rω
(B)質點所受的向心力為  mrω2 
(C)質點的角動量為  mrω2 
(D)質點的切線加速度為  rω2

一、請說明雇主於何種情形下有支付資遣費的義務,所支付的資遣費性質分別為何? (25 分)

一、何謂「政治文化」(political culture)?Gabriel Almond and Sidney Verba 將政治文化分 為那幾種類型?你認為台灣當前的政治文化較接近何種類型的政治文化?(20 分)

第一題:(作答方式得以英文或中文作答) When we observe a return of RM on the market, what do we expect the return on a portfolio with a beta of β to be? The capital asset pricing model (CAPM) relates the expected return on a portfolio to the expected return on the market. But it can also be used to relate the expected return on a portfolio to the actual return on the market: 
                                   E (RP) = RF + β (RM - RF
where RF is the risk-free rate and RP is the return on the portfolio. Please answer the following questions:

【題組】(三)What is mean by beta, how describes the return obtained from taking systematic risk?【5 分】

(B) —個質子在位置X與位置Y受力相同
(C) 一個質子在位置X受力大於在位置Z的受力
(D) —個質子在位置X受力小於在位置Z的受力
(E) —個電子在位置X時,其重量可能被所受電力所平衡

8. 下列敘述何者顯示粒線體具有原核生物特徵?
(A) 有組織蛋白( histone )存在
(B) 可進行減數分裂(meiosis)
(C) 細胞分裂時有紡錘絲存在
(D) 擁有70S核糖體

27. 有關遞回(Recursion)結構的程式設計,比較適合的應用問題是以下何者?
(A) I, II
(C) I, III
(D) I, IV。 
I.二元搜尋法(Binary Search) 
II.矩陣相乘(Matrix Multiplication) 
III.二元樹尋訪(Binary Tree Traversal) 
IV.項式相加(Polynomial Addition)

26.忠仁公司購置一機器成本$310,000,預估每年可產生淨現金流入$70,000,試求該機器之還本期 間為若干年?

5. A random draw (with replacement) of 1000 balls from a pool of several million balls is conducted. Each ball is cither blue or red. Let p denote the fraction of blue balls in the population. Let  61de680958c71.jpg denote the fraction of blue balls in the sample. You want to test the competing hypotheses H0: P = 0.4 vs. H1: P ≠0.4. Suppose that you decide to reject  61de686b6e58a.jpg Note that the sample of l 000 balls is considered as a large sample. What is the type I error of this test?
(D) 0.488
(E) 0.519