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請依下文回答第 22 題至第 25 題 
    If you cheated on your spouse, would you admit it to a researcher? That question is one of the biggest challenges in the scientific study of marriage. 22 Surveys conducted in person are likely to underestimate the real rate of adultery because people are reluctant to admit such behavior not just to their spouses but to anyone. For example, researchers from the University of Colorado and Texas A&M surveyed 4,884 married women, using face-to-face interviews and anonymous computer questionnaires. 23 In contrast, on the computer questionnaire, more than 6 percent did. 
    A handful of new studies suggest surprising changes in the marital landscape in the United States. 24 For example, University of Washington researchers have found that the lifetime rate of infidelity for men over 60 increased from 20 to 28 percent to 15 percent. 25 About 20 percent of men and 15 percent of women under 35 say they have ever been unfaithful, up from about 15 and 12 percent, respectively, over the past fifteen years. While infidelity rates do appear to be rising, a vast majority of people still say adultery is wrong, and most men and women do not appear to be unfaithful.

(A) Notably, a surprisingly increasing number of younger women appear to be cheating on their spouses.
(B) In the interviews, only 1 percent of women said they had been unfaithful to their husbands in the past year.
(C) Their findings show that infidelity appears to be on the rise, particularly among older people and young couples.
(D) At the same time, experts say that surveys appearing in sources like women’s magazines may overstate the adultery rate.

19.所謂的 SWOT 分析,主要是為了確認及分析企業組織的?

7. 安裝圖上針對構件的位置尺寸標示,何者要求不正確

二、甲以乙為被告,起訴主張:乙向甲借款新臺幣(以下同)一千萬元,茲已屆清償期, 未獲清償等語,提出乙所書立,內容為:「茲向甲借一千萬元,恐口無憑,特立此 據。立據人:乙(簽名)」之借用證一紙為證,請求乙返還一千萬元本息:

【題組】 ⑵若乙辯稱雙方之借貸契約係基於通謀虛偽意思表示,借貸契約不發生效力等語, 甲則主張雙方借貸為事實,並無通謀虛偽意思表示情形等語。請附理由,說明依 我國民事訴訟法第 277 條規定,就有無通謀虛偽意思表示之事實,應由何人負舉 證責任?(15 分)

三、靜電集塵器可有效去除廢氣中所含之粒狀物,試問:(2 題,共 18 分)

【題組】(二)工廠有一寬為 5 m,長為 3 m,板距為 0.4 m 之平板式靜電集塵器,已知其集塵效率為 98 %,今處理一流量為 500 m3 /min 之廢氣,其含廢塵量為 10 g/m3 ,請計算集塵器中顆粒飄移速度,以及處理後氣體之含廢塵量為何?(計算至小數點後第 2 位,以下四捨五入)(10 分)

(A)容積支持(volume support)
(B) 自動管路補償(automatic tube compensation)
(C)適應支持型通氣(adaptive support ventilation)
(D)比例協助型通氣(proportional assist ventilation)

26. 2018年我國舉行九合一選舉,選出新一屆的地方公職人員,請根據圖五的代碼挑選參與此次選舉的地方民意代表,下列配對何者正確?
(A) A、B、C、D、E
(B) A、C、D、E
(C) C、D、E、F、G、H丶Ⅰ、K
(D) F、G、H、I、K、L、M、N

二、公共設施種類項目繁多,可運用歸類法予以檢視,以辨清其功能與脈絡,因此,若 依服務範圍、服務性質、費用分擔等屬性來區分時,公共設施可如何歸納?又如何 運用其結果,以進一步檢討或檢視公共設施計畫是否妥適?(25 分)

三、消防機關進行火災搶救時,經常面臨許多救災障礙必須排除,如何妥善實施破壞作 業就非常的重要。請按消防機關火場指揮及搶救作業要點規定,說明火災搶救破壞 作業實施的注意要領為何?(25 分)