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141. 在請購的績效指標架構中庫存績效是一個重要向度,其中庫存週轉率低則代表績效不佳,也 容易造成呆滯物料,呆滯物料是指物料存量多,超過需求的耗用量,至於為何會產生呆滯物料,其 原因約可分為外部原因和內部原因二種,下列哪一項屬於內部原因
(A) 剩餘的試驗材料或生產材料
(B) 顧客退貨
(C) 客戶取消已經下訂的訂單
(D) 客戶更改訂單。

6. Please explain the following terms as details as possible.

【題組】(a) (4%) Semaphores 

5. C 下列有關組成力偶之兩力的敘述,何者不真:
(A) 兩力之作用線必定平行
(B) 兩力有使物 體旋轉之傾向
(C) 兩力有使物體平移之能力
(D) 兩力之和為 0

38. 關於藻類素乾品中乾海帶其原料為


【題組】(三) Recycling design 再生設計、Re-edition 復刻版

二、總價合約中若詳細表中之數量與圖說中之數量不相同,應如何處理施工與計價之爭 議?(20 分)


Problem 8 (13 points)
InFig. 2, a 4-bit binary counter with Load (L), Count
(C), data inputIi,i = 0,1,2,3, and output Ai,i = 0,1,2,3 is presented. Its function table is in Table 1. How to use and some logic gates to count from 0 to 134, and then back to 0. Daint 4-Bit Binary Counter + A_cOmr Clear Load Count Function Clear to 0 Load inputs Count nexi binary state Table 1. Function table of 4-bit binary counter. No change XX1O XIOO Xtii Fig. 2.4-bit binary counter.

       Every time we watch apes in their cages we are startled by their manlike behavior. The monkey house has a strange fascination. The visitors would be even more startled if they were fully aware of all the existing similarities between them and these animals. These include not only external behavior, but also all the organs, the whole skeleton, every single bone and tooth. The brain of a chimpanzee has the same internal structure and on its surface the same pattern of folds as the human brain, which, however, is three times as large. The way the mother chimpanzee nurses its young is not unlike that of the human mother. These and thousands of other features point to a blood relationship in the truest sense of the word. This can be clearly demonstrated by comparing the genes of chimpanzees and those of humans: the difference between them is just about 2 percent.

【題組】5. What activity shows that a mother chimpanzee and a human mother are very similar to each other?

二、簡述下列抗微生物藥物的作用機轉:(10 分)

【題組】 ⑸ Nystatin