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45.有兩電荷,帶電量為 Q1 與 Q2 ,它們之間的距離為 r ,則 Q1 所受之靜電力
(A) 與 Q2 成反比
(B) 與r2成正比
(C) 與 phpiKkxZg 成正比
(D) 與 phpazO70y 成正比

第二題: 依政府採購法規定,機關辦理公告金額以上之採購,符合何種情形時,得採「限制性招標」?請舉十例說明之。【25 分】

1. Which of the following statements about the nature of analytical chemistry is (are) correct? (AB) Amaterial is homogeneous if its constituent parts can be distinguished only with the aid of a microscope. (AC) The preparation of a solid Iaboratory sample involves grounding the solid to decrease particle size. mixing to ensure homogeneity, and storing for various lengths of time before analysis begins. (AD) Techniques or reactions that work for only one analyte are said to be selective. (AE) An interferent causes an error in an analysis by attenuating (making smaller) the quantity being measured, whereas an interference causes an error by enbancing the quantity. (BC)We compute the results of a typical quantitative analysis from two mea ments. One is the mass or the volume of sample being analyzed. The second mcasurement is of some quantity that is proportional to the amount of analyte in the sample. (BD) In gravimetric methods. we determine the volume of the analyte or some compound chemically related to it.

28. 鋼筋混凝土管之接合,使用______水泥砂漿填塞 24 小時後,方可回填。

四、上述的測試程式,有三種寫法是 C 無法做到的。請說明那三種寫法?並解釋 C++之 所以能這樣寫,及其所對應的功能為何。(20 分)

37 運転者がバイク運転中に過失により人を死傷させた場合、 法律に基づいて刑事(刑罰)、民事(賠償)、及び行政(免許取 消 し)等 3 種類の責任を負わなければならない。