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Questions 5-7(9%)
Alice's utility from consuming Soda and Chocolate is shown as follows:

614bf5db2657a.jpg614bf5f4d2f76.jpg For example, when Alice consumes 2 units of Soda, she receives 102 units of utility. Similarly, when Alice consumes 5 units of Chocolate, she receives 112 units of utility.

【題組】7.Suppose the price of Soda is $6 per unit and the price of Chocolate is $3 per unit, and Alice has $30 to spend on these two goods. If Alice maximizes her utility, she should buy X units of Soda and Y units of Chocolate. Y equals?
(E) None of the above.




2.一平面應力元素如圖一所示,請以莫爾圓法(Mohr’s circle)試回答下列問題:

【題組】(3) 試計算主軸應力狀態下之主軸應變為何?(柏松比為 0.3,彈性模數為 200 GPa)

二、⑴試說明一般耐震設計與土壤動力分析,所需之土層動力參數有那些?及如何由實 驗室與現場推求或評估土層動力參數?(10 分)

19. 在看完了一場以兩性平權為訴求主題的影展後,步出影展會場的觀眾中,不乏有持續討 論現今社會中還有哪些兩性不對等的狀況,這代表本次影展「影片內容」上的哪個部分 成功?
(A) 影片價值傳達
(B) 拍攝技術
(C) 音樂製作
(D) 後製特效

二、甲公司會計年度為曆年制,期末需作折舊費用的調整,公司採用直線法提列折舊。 試作下列X1年7月1日至X3年9月30日相關交易之分錄(需要經過計算的分錄, 務必列示相關計算過程,否則不予計分)。(15 分)

【題組】(二)X2 年7 月 1 日為了增加電腦的作業效率及記憶體容量,支付$1,200進行電腦升 級,沒有延長耐用年限也沒有改變殘值。

三、試述飼料投餵技術與養殖池水質管理之關係。(25 分)

Read the following prompt and compose a four-paragraph composition according to the prompt guidelines.
In 108 curriculum (108課綱), competence-based(素養導向)curriculum is crucial to cultivate learners' core competences in order to meet the current and future challenges. Some important components of competence-based curriculum include providing contexts for learning, using symbols for communication, concerning holistic development, focusing not only on passing knowledge but also on cultivating abilities and proper attitudes so as to apply learning into practices and solving problems in our daily life.
In the first paragraph of your composition, please discuss why competence-based curriculum is crucial to our education.
In the second paragraph, assuming you are an English teacher who will design a twenty-minute competence-based lesson plan activity, please choose one option listed below and describe your activity.
[Option 1- a specific topic]
Work out an activity that helps your students deal with negative comments.
[Option 2 - open topics]
Think of a problem that might happen to students in their daily life. Focus on guiding them to solve the problem.
In this paragraph (the second paragraph), describe details of your 20-minute lesson activity. Please indicate your learners' age, English proficiency level, the objectives you hope to achieve in the task and the assessment measures, the materials you will use, the steps of the task, and why this task will help the students solve the problem.
In the third paragraph, please briefly explain the tasks in the follow-up lesson.
Finally, please write a brief conclusion in the last paragraph.

二、基於船舶航行安全,IMO MSC 232(82)規範了電子海圖顯示及資訊系 統(ECDIS)設備性能標準,其中在「航路監控」性能方面之要求標準 有那些?(40 分)