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Problem 6
A silicone oil having a temperature of 185 ℃, heat capacity of 5.0 kJ/(kg K) and a flow
rate of 150 kg/min is used for pre-heating the soybean oil (i.e, for biodiesel production)
by using the following heat exchanger (sce the plot shown below).
Based on the design, the temperatures of the silicone oil leaving the shell is preferred
(but not necessary) to be ≦170 ℃. The temperature of the soybean oil entering the
pipes is 20 0C, and the target temperature of the soybean oil at the exit of the tubes/pipes
is ≧80  ℃. Here, the heat capacity of soybean oil is assumed to be 80% of the heat
capacity of silicone oil regardless of the variation in their temperatures. The flow rate
of soybean oil is targeted to be at least 3600 kg/hour.

【題組】(c)(Continued on (b)) Fouling is a severe issue to this heat exchanger, resulting in a decline of overall heat transfer coefficient. Through an operation under the minimum flow rate of soybean oil, the predicted overall heat transfer coefficients are linearly decreased to 900 W/m2*K and 800 W/m2*K in the first and the second months, respectively. What is the minimum heat transfer area required to achieve the target temperature of the soybean oil at the exit of the heat exchanger during the 2-month operation (i.e., 80  ℃)?

D3 是否可用來證明本件發明各請求項不具新穎性?理由為何?(答是者代表 該請求項不具新穎性)(10 分)

(A) 100
(B) 150
(C) 150√3 

45 特定の血液型に対して自然抗体を持つ動物はどれか。
a 馬
b 犬
c 豚
d 牛
e めん羊
(A)a, b   
(B)a, e   
(C)b, c   
(D)c, d   
(E)d, e

四、近年來本屬醫療用之電動代步車已大量駛上道路,成為頗受老人及行動不便者喜好 之另一種交通工具。然而由於電動代步車之行駛速度緩慢、相關之交通安全設施又 明顯不足(如照明、反光設計),行駛於交通繁忙之道路上確實險象環生。如果您是 交通主管部門之首長,請問您將以何種方法及對策來面對此新出現之道路交通安全 問題。(25 分)


二、下面兩個 X 光繞射光譜分別來自一個體心立方(bcc)晶格與一個面心立方(fcc)晶 格,試述如何辨別並且可以完整標示所有繞射峰(peaks)。(10 分) phpTpVwH5


b) Verbinden Sie die Sätze mit Konjunktionen (dass, damit, ob, wenn, weil....) 
 oder schreiben Sie die Sätze um. 2/18%

【題組】7. Ich habe kein Geld gehabt. Ich habe deshalb das Auto nicht gekauft.
 (Konjunktiv II) ______________________________________________________________

11. 依電工法規屋內配線設計圖符號標示, 60403f58eacf1.jpg代表
(D)低電壓電驛 。