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一、賴德布魯赫(Radbruch,Gusta)曾经在其所著《法督學》中,針對「規範」(norm)與「指令」 (imperative),提出下列的陳述, "It may best be illustrated by any sentence combining a norm with an imperative, when normative contents appear in imperative form. 'Do your duty!' Let us separate the meaning of that sentence from what carries it, the declared from the declaration. We then get, on the one hand, an existential structure, definite in time and space, brought about and effective by way of causation, a sequence of tones which sounds here and now, originating in a certain psychological process in the speaker and producing another such process in the listener er. On the other hand, we get a nontemporal, nonspatial, noncausal content of significance, a moral necessity which is valid independently of the place, the time, and the effectiveness of that declaration." (From Gustav Radbruch, Legai Philosophy, in Lask, E., Radbruch, G., & Dabin, L. (1950). The Legal Philosophies of losk, Rodbruch, and Dabin. Translated by Kurt Wilk, Harvard University Press, 43-224, 83.) 請回答下列問題:

【題組】 (一)請以這段陳述為基礎,說明賴德布鲁赫「法規範論」(theoryoflegalnorm)的要旨。(本小題20分)

二、 Organized endeavors directed by people responsible of planning, organizing, leading and controlling activities have existed for thousands of years. The Egyptian pyramids and the Great Wall of China are tangible evidence that projects of tremendous scope, employing tens of thousands of people, were undertaken well before modern times. The pyramids are a particularly interesting example. The construction of a single pyramid occupied more than 100,000 people for 20 years. Who told each worker what to do? Who ensured that there would be enough stones at the site to keep workers busy? The answer to such questions is managers. Regardless of what managers were called that time, someone had to plan what was to be done, organize people and materials to do it, lead and direct the workers and impose some controls to ensure that everything was done as planned. 
 (source: Robbins & Coulter, Management) 

【題組】 1.本文中,作者認為管理者(Manager)應該做些什麼事情?

6. 下列何者會影響養殖池水透明度?

四、以一個現代農夫,計畫生產認證合格的「有機蔬菜」,由整地到採收,你將如何規 劃害蟲管制?(20 分)


(5) The engineering stress-strain curves shown below represent two different types of yielding behaviors of metals. Discuss these two types of yielding deformation. 8 points.

72. 引擎溫度過高之可能原因是
(D)節溫器 故障。

三、黨團議案協商之主要目的在使朝野黨團在尊重及和諧氣氛中溝通,儘速達成共識, 以利議案圓融順利通過。試論述黨團議案協商之程序。(25 分)

3. 以下那一項關於國民所得概念應用之敘述是不正確的?
(A) 國民所得對於未透過市場而發生的若干經濟活動,不能加以表達
(B) 國民所得數字無法顯示財貨或勞務結構及變化
(C) 對於生產技術的進步,無法由國民所得數字中表示
(D) 國民所得數字得以顯示財貨品質的進步