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24. TCP 協定運用各工作節點各自的內建記憶體,提供做節點執行緩衝儲存使用,使得節點在同 一時間內,可以處理超過一個以上的訊息,該緩衝區便稱之為
(A)ARP Table

1. 四維企業於 2009 年銷貨收入為$68,000,加權平均之資金成本為 7%,普通股股數為 10,000 股。在不 考慮所得稅與二稅合一影響的前提下,請依據以下四點假設,並分別利用貼現後現金流量模型 (discounted cash flow valuation model)以及剩餘營業淨利模型(residual operating income valuation model),計算 2009 年年底之每股理論股價。 
假設一: 每年銷貨成長率皆為 4% 
假設二: 本年度(2009 年)之營業利潤$10,200 
假設三: 本年底(2009 年)之營業資產$100,000 
假設四: 每年度之銷貨利潤率(營業利潤÷銷貨收入)與資產周轉率(銷貨收入÷期初資產)皆固定

Please translate the 10 underlined words(翻譯下列10個有底線單字):
The centromere is essential in cell division but its exact function and   (1) composition   has eluded
researchers for many years. A novel PCR-based approach may force the centromere to give up its final
secrets. The centromere   (2) comprises   approximately 5% of the human genome, is at the center of every chromosome as the link between sister chromatids and plays an essential role in cell division by      (3)facilitating    spindle attachment and    (4) ensuring   proper chromosome segregation. However, the study of centromeres has been made difficult by its repetitive DNA sequence - leading to its    (5) reputation    as the final frontier of DNA. Centromeres are comprised of long repeating sequences of DNA named alpha satellite DNA. The sequences within the repeats are similar or even identical, each comprising of potentially 170 bases, hence making ordering the sequences difficult. Traditional DNA sequencing   (6) chops    up a DNA strand into shorter parts, which are then read and    (7) assembled    back together. "The problem with centromeres is all the pieces look the same. It'll be like putting together a puzzle of the Sahara Desert,"commented Beth Sullivan, a molecular biologist at Duke University School of Medicine (NC, USA). Whilst the human genome project may have bcen   (8) declared    complete 15 years ago, there are still gaps. This is mainly comprised of centromeric DNA as the technologies at the time were not (9) sophisticated enough to allow the sequencing of this   (10) portion   . However, recent developments in this field have now pioneered technologies which are sophisticated enough.


34. 在 IBM 個人電腦中,所用的微處理器為 80486 時,它的資料位元數是
(A)8 位元
(B)16 位元
(C)32 位元
(D)64 位元

7. 体が丈夫( )、何でもできます。
(A) だら




中華郵政創辦迄今已一百多年,一直深受各界的好評。民國九十二年一月一日毅然改制為中華郵政股份有限公司,期能順應時代潮流,開創新局。請即以「如何提昇郵政的經營績效與競爭力」為題,作文一篇,寫出你(妳)的看法, 文長不限。

第一題: 請繪圖說明下列五種台灣建築物外牆常見的紅磚牆面砌磚法:

【題組】(四)荷式砌法。【5 分】