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軍官甲執行訓練任務時,放任所屬下屬向旁邊民人購買冷飲,並導致部隊演 訓未能按時完成。直屬長官乙知悉事實後,遂依陸海空軍懲罰法第 15 條 第 1 項規定給予甲申誡二次之處分。甲不服,向上級機關提出申訴,惟申訴 機關仍維持原決定。甲申訴經駁回後,本案即告確定。試問:

【題組】二、甲針對陸海空軍懲罰法中,對於受申誡處分者不得提起司法救濟之規 定,應如何向大法官聲請解釋?(25 分)

▲ 閱讀下文,回答第 11−15 題
      The idea of microfinance and microenterprises was developed by Muhammad Yunus,
founder of Grameen Bank in Bangladesh. A microenterprise is a type of business with a small
team, often registered, requiring    11    capital of no more than $35,000. The term
microenterprise connotes different entities and sectors depending on the country. Generally
speaking, in developed countries, microenterprises make up the smallest end of the small
business sector,   12    microenterprises in developing countries constitute the vast majority of
the small business sector – a result of the relative lack of formal sector jobs available for the
poor. Microenterprises add value to a country’s economy by creating jobs, enhancing income,
strengthening purchasing power, lowering costs, and adding business convenience. According to
data from the Development Bank of Latin America, microenterprises represent 88 percent of
total companies in Latin America, where they are engaged in self-employment activities.
Microlending has become an alternative    13    traditional lending for businesses in
communities that don’t have access to traditional funding. Microbusinesses and small businesses
that are in underserved areas or have low credit   14    can use private microlending
organizations for marketing campaigns, inventory or supplies, and seasonal expenses. Some
states and organizations offer help for small and microbusinesses. Nebraska, for instance, gives
an income tax credit of up to $10,000 based on “demonstrated growth” of the business over the
past two years. However, official policies often make business difficult for microentrepreneurs.
Deposit services are rarely    15    to these businesspeople, especially in rural areas. The small
loans microentrepreneurs usually need are less attractive to traditional formal financial
institutions because of their high transaction costs.

(A) notes
(B) ratings
(C) means
(D) scraps


三、如下圖所示之 1/4 圓形曲梁,曲梁為均勻實心圓斷面,其中 AOB 位在同一平面(in plane)上。A 為固端,R = 半徑,EI = 撓曲剛度,GJ = 扭轉剛度。考慮曲梁於自由 端 B 在 AOB 平面之面外(out of plane)上受一向下之垂直力 P 作用,計算 B 之變形。 (20 分)php562ZhS

一、請回答下列問題:(20 分)


一、新營公司收到台新銀行 103 年 4 月份之對帳單,相關資料如下: 

台新銀行 4 月份對帳單之記錄
4 月 1 日餘額 $120,000 
存入現金 96,800 
支票兌現 82,000 
收票據 7,000
存款利息 2,000
代繳水電費 1,500
新營公司 4 月份存款帳戶之記錄
4 月 1 日餘額 $125,700
收入(收現存入銀行) 98,400
支出(開出支票) 85,200

 新營公司 3 月份銀行存款調節表列有在途存款$17,000 及未兌現支票$11,300,經查 4 月底有在 途存款$18,600 及未兌現支票若干。此外新營公司發現 4 月份有下列兩筆錯誤: (1)新營公司簽發支票$56,000 購買機器設備,公司誤記為$65,000。 (2)台新銀行誤將兌付後營公司開立的支票$6,000,誤自本公司帳戶扣除。

(B)求算 4 月底正確銀行存款餘額。(3 分)

四、請依行政程序法,論述警察法規命令實務作業上訂定之整體流程及其應注意事項。 (25 分)


【題組】 1.請條列整理造成植物自交與異交之機制,並簡短解釋(5分)

三: 由於企業會有不同的策略目標考量,例如快速獲取利潤或追求短期市場占有率增加, 而有四種不同的訂價基本策略,包括:吸脂定價(skimming pricing)、滲透定價(penetration pricing)、現行水準定價(going-rate-pricing)、組合產品定價(companion products pricing), 請說明不同訂價方式之意涵及使用目的。【25 分】

 Abstract: Aging and osteoarthritis (OA) are associated with a high risk of muscle mass loss, which can lead to physical disability. This study investigated the effectiveness of protein supplementation combined with exercise training (PS + ET) in improving muscle mass and functional outcomes in older adults with lower-limb OA. A comprehensive search of online databases was performed to dentify randomized controlled trials (RCTs) on the effectiveness of PS + ET in older adults with hip or knee OA. Meta-analysis and risk of bias assess sment of the included RCTs were conducted. Six RCTs were included in this systemic review; they had a median (rangeltotal) Physiotherapy Evidence Database (PEDro) score of 7 (6-9) out of 10, respectively. Five RCTs that cnrolled patients who anderwent total joint replacement were included in this meta-analysis. The PS + ET group exhibited significant improvements in muscle mass (standard mean difference [SMD] = 1.13, p < 0.00001), pain (SMD = 1.36, p < 0.00001), and muscle strength (SMD = 0.44, p = 0.04). Our findings suggest that PS + ET improves muscle mass, muscle strengih, and functional outcomes and reduces pain Ain older aduits with lower-limb OA, particularly in those who have undergone total joint replacement.


30. 有關資訊安全之概念,下列何者「不正確」?
(A)將檔案資料設定密碼保護,只有擁有密碼的人才能 使用
(C)將檔案資料設定成公開,任何人都可 以使用