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502 หากรถยนต ติดตญ้งอุปกรณ เครืสองใชอไฟฟอาทีีสกินไฟมากเกินไป จะทีำาใหอ เครืสองยนต สิ้นเปลืองเชื้อเพลิง 05

請依下文回答第 11 題至第 15 題
       The British government has said that a third of the food the world produces is wasted. It said the high level of food waste in the UK is__ 11__ . Over 7 million tons of food is wasted in the UK every year. A British politician, Neil Parish, said: “One-third of food produced for human __12__ is lost or wasted globally.” The government said there were many__ 13__ to the problem of food waste. First, schools could__ 14__ children’s awareness of food waste from a young age. Secondly, supermarkets could sell vegetables that are thrown away because they are the “wrong” shape. Finally, “sell-by” dates, “use-by” dates and “best before” labels need to change. Perfectly good food is thrown away because of these labels. Neil Parish added that: “Environmentally, it is a disaster, because energy and resources are wasted in production, only for the food to __15__ rotting in landfills where it produces methane--a potent climate-changing gas.”

(A) consumption
(B) digestion
(C) vegetation
(D) habitation

28. (16%) Let T:P2→P2 be given by
 Consider the two ordered bases β= {x2,x, 1} and γ={x,x + 1,x2 - 1}.


(a) (6%)Find [T]βand [T]γ.

(A) 職務分析
(B) 對職務內容、職務範疇、入職要件、職程進程、資格要件或專業要件,以及能力和技能要求的特別要求
(C) 不能採用一般職程
(D) 以上皆是

題目三: 請回答下列有關保險利益之問題:

【題組】(二)請說明財產保險與人身保險之保險利益有何差異?【10 分】


一、有一顆帶有 5 MeV 動能的電子入射至體積 V、質量 m 的介質,離開介 質時帶走 1 MeV 的動能。電子在行經介質時產生出 2 MeV 的制動 x 射 線,該 x 射線從介質中逃逸出去。已知克馬(kerma)= 616e59ed291fe.jpg ,碰撞克馬 (collision kerma)=616e59f82320a.jpg ,吸收劑量(absorbed dose)= 616e59fec7b89.jpg ,試求下述物 理量:



39.在錯鹽滴定時,有時會利用遮蔽劑優先與干擾離子形成錯離子或螯合離子,使干擾金屬離子不能與 EDTA 螯合,有關選擇遮蔽劑時的注意事項,下列敘述何者錯誤?
(C)加入遮蔽劑後,不可使溶液的 pH 值產生變化
(D)最常應用的遮蔽劑有 KCN、NaCN,但只限於酸性溶液使用

59. 良好操守的工作人員不可有
(A) 爭功諉過
(B) 守時節約
(C) 任勞任怨
(D) 敬業精神