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請回答第 44 題至第 46 題:
        Knowing the origin of a word can give you a clearer understanding of the word. For example, the word sabotage means “the intentional destruction of materials, machines, or some process of production.” The meaning of the term becomes clear when you learn that sabotage comes from the French word sabat, meaning “wooden shoe,” and it was coined during the French Revolution when workers sabotaged French factories by throwing their shoes into the machinery.
        Looking up the origin of a word also reminds you that language is constantly changing, with old words gaining new meanings and new words being born. The word chauvinist, for example, was never used before 1815. It was coined as a result of the fanatic loyalty of a French soldier, Nicolas Chauvin, to Napoleon. Thus, chauvinism has come to mean blind attachment to something, such as one’s beliefs or, as it is commonly used today, one’s sex. The word boycott is another word that has a relatively recent origin, and it also originated from a person’s name. In the 1880s, during the struggle between British landowners and Irish tenant farmers, a man by the name of Captain Charles Boycott was hired to collect the rent from the farmers on a large estate in County Mayo. The impoverished Irish peasants, however, got together and decided to ignore Captain Boycott by refusing to pay and expelling him.

【題組】45 According to this passage, which of the following statements about word origin is true?
(A) The word “chauvinism” originated from a French soldier’s blind attachment to his sex.
(B) Captain Boycott was the one who led the protest of the Irish tenant farmers.
(C) From the origin of words, we can see that new words are coined constantly.
(D) Many French words originated from English names.

8. 網布目數 Fn(Mesh count)=300 目,就台灣一般常用指的是
(D)300目/平方 公分。

5. 光觸媒二氧化鈦0.2克粉末,經由儀器測量得到其平均粒徑為0.4微米(μm),此粒徑等於多少________奈米(nm)?

18. 我國調幅(AM)接收機,其中頻率為
(A)10.7 MHz
(D)45.75 MHz。

第一題: 世界上各國家的經濟發展情況不一,各國的貨幣政策目標也不盡相同,請回答下列有關 貨幣政策之問題:

【題組】(一)假設 A 國中央銀行貨幣政策目標是維持利率固定不變、利率是由貨幣市場供需 均衡所決定,若該國景氣擴張而導致貨幣需求增加,為達成其貨幣政策目標,則 該國央行應使其貨幣供給如何改變?可採取哪些貨幣政策工具?【5 分】

第二題: 都市更新的過程可能造成房地炒作與仕紳化(gentrification)等現象而背離其公共利益為 著眼的本意。

【題組】(二)在都市更新事業計畫應表明事項中,哪些項目能有助於加強環境與社會公共利 益?請加以闡述。【8分】

16. 欲研究阿斯匹靈對於降低小兒體溫的影響,一學者追蹤10位發高燒的小孩, 先記錄其體溫後,再給與阿斯匹靈服用之後,然後接著記錄他們的體溫。 若已知小孩體溫為常態分布,下列何者可用於檢定阿斯匹靈是否對降體溫 有功效?
(A) T Test
(B) Paired T Test
(C) Mann-Whitney U Test
(D) Signed Rank Test

34. Which of the following descriptions of ''virus" is   INCORRECT  ?
(A) A virus is a small infectious agent that can replicate only inside the living cells of an organism.
(B) A virus is composed of protein coat and nucleic acid.
(C) The genetic material of a virus is either a double-stranded DNA or a single-stranded RNA.
(D) During virus replication, some virus particles may not contain viral genome.