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Questions 31-37
       Vitamins, which maintain and facilitate the body's various functions, are an important part of our diet. Many people take vitamin supplements to help them.__(31)__aily allowance. However, recent researches have recommended that people who take vitamin supplements may be getting too much of a good thing.
        Many of the foods we eat already have vitamin.__(32)__ added to them. People drinking a glass of orange juice may think that they're only getting a dose of vitamin C. In fact, they are also getting added calcium and vitamin D. Breakfast cereal alone provides more than half a person's daily allowance of some vitamins.__(33)___ hese levels with supplements can cause some side effects.
       According to the Office of Dietary supplement in the US, too much vitamin A can cause headaches and affect bone strength. Too much iron can affect the liver and__(34)__ npleasant vomiting. Vitamin supplements are not__(35)__ the same strict tests as medicine, which makes knowing what's really in them problematic. Besides, they are not tested for safety or effectiveness because they are not considered a__(36)__for disease.
        If you feel that you must take vitamin supplements, nutritionists suggest taking them in__(37)__doses. This means that if you take a calcium pill, you shouldn't drink too much milk. They also advise against excessive intake, such as eating three energy bars for breakfast and then taking a dose of vitamin A. If your diet is relatively balanced, chances are you are already OK where vitamins are concerned.

(A) informed
(B) civilized
(C) unexpected
(D) recommended

三、在設計汽車引擎時,如何從一台四汽缸四行程引擎的進氣歧管(intake manifold)外觀,來區別該進氣歧管是適用在低速、中速和高速引擎的進 氣系統上,試以圖示申論之。(25分)

五、地下水污染傳輸機制的延散作用(dispersion),可概分為費克式(Fickian)與非 費克式(non-Fickian)兩種。在實際情況下那一種延散作用較易發生?理由為何? (15 分)

五、試說明臺灣人工經濟林生態系永續經營之育林策略。(20 分)

請比較抗微生製劑合併治療(combination antimicrobial therapy)的優缺點為何?(10分)

27. (5%) Let (Xi, yi), i = 1,2,3,4,5, be a set of five distinct points with integer coordinates in the xy plane. Show that there is at least one of the midpoints of the segment joining of these points which has integer coordinates.

47、哲哲在考試後對專輔老師說;「我這次考不好都是因為我爸媽在我複習時一直吵架,害我無法專心準 備。」,根據Bernard Weiner提出的歸因論,他將自己的成就歸因於下列那種因素?
(A)外在成因(external cause)與穩定成因(stable cause)
(B)內在成因(internal cause)與不穩定成因(unstable cause)
(C)外在成因(external cause)與不穩定成因(unstable cause)
(D)內在成因(internal cause)與穩定成因(stable cause)


6. The _____ you don’t see the signs is _____ they are hidden behind the trees.
(A) why…because
(B) reason…into
(C) x…why
(D) reason… because

30. 客家民居正身中,祀奉祖先牌位或神明的神桌下,通常都會安置「龍神」 崇拜,對此龍神的敘述下列何者有錯?