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30.關於密碼猜測中的字典攻擊法(Dictionary Attack),下列敘述何者正確?

4. 图2为45ºN 附近某区域的遥感影像,共中深色部分为植被覆盖区,浅色部分为高原荒澳区;终年冰雪覆盖的山峰海拔3424米,距海约180千米.读图2.完成4~6题。 导致图示区域内降水差异的主导因素是()

       As ninth-grade students, many of you may be getting tired of all those tests you have to take and all the homework you have to do every day. Yet, have you ever thought not every child in the world is as lucky as you are? Not every child can go to school, and even some have to fight for it almost at the cost of their lives, like Malala Yousafzai. 
       Who is Malala Yousafzai? She's a girl of about your age from Swat Valley, Pakistan, which is ruled by the Taliban and where girls __13.__ like boys. However, most people there are too scared of the Taliban to speak up. You can see even the Taliban understand that studying at school will make people become smarter and then have their own thoughts and ideas, which is what the Taliban don't want for women. Knowing__ 14.__ . Malala wasn't afraid at all and kept trying her best to let the outside world know about their problems when she was only twelve years old. On October 9t, 2012, a gunman got on Malala's school bus, asking, "Which one of you is Malala?" He fired three shots at Malala, which almost killed her. Luckily, she was sent to a hospital in England soon after, and she became well later. Did the attack __15.__ ? As she said in her CNN interview, "They can kill Malala, but they can't kill my cause." 
       Do you still feel your life is so terrible? Think of Malala, and maybe you will thank for what you have more. 

(A) stop Malala from taking more action
(B) make Malala become even more famous
(C) keep Malala from being hurt by the Taliban again
(D) give Malala a chance to get away from the Taliban

50. 依「勞工健康保護規則」規定,下列何者錯誤?
(A) 新進員工到職之前需實施一般體格檢查
(B) 在職勞工任職中要做一般健康檢查
(C) 從事噪音暴露八小時日時量平均音壓級超過85分貝作業勞工,每半年做一次特別危害 健康檢查
(D) 45歲在職勞工每三年做一次一般健康檢查

26. 水中含有高濃度的鈣離子和鎂離子時,加熱後會產生鍋垢,甚至導致鍋爐等裝置故障,這些鈣離子和鎂離子也會和肥皂反應,使肥皂不易起泡泡。小樺以肥皂水檢驗數種水質,想知道哪一種水含有較高濃度的鈣離子和鎂離子,步驟如下:
一、配製飽和的肥皂水 200 mL。
二、在乾淨的試管中裝入 10 mL 的自來水。


9. 如果信道的数据传输速率为1Gbps,那么每1 秒钟通过该信道传输的比特数最高可以达到() 
(B) 106
(D) 1012

10 下列何種類型較常出現在噪音型聽損者的純音聽力檢查結果中?
(A)凹陷型(notch),3、4、6 kHz 中的任何一個頻率之聽閾較其兩側頻率的聽閾差
(C)中頻凹槽型(trough),1~2 kHz 聽損大於 20 分貝以上
(D)低頻閾值升高型(rising),閾值由高頻至低頻以大於 5 分貝漸增

43. 下列何種藥劑不具有抑制節間伸長之作用?

3.以一神信仰傳統(猶太教基督宗教或伊斯蘭)或印度宗教(佛教、耆那教或 印度教)為例,具體探討其在發展的過程中,與之前相關宗教傳承比較,在有 關神的信仰或解脫救度思想上的延續性與不同處。
