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 Professor Samuel Oak, who is an expert in Pikachu and many other Pokemon monsters, wishes to maintain the operation of the Pokemon Center in Kanto region. To finance the maintenance expenses and run the endowment fund of the Pokemon Center, he is considering following investment questions, including 8 multiple choice questions (多選題) and 2 computation questions. Plcase help Professor Samuel answer questions below. Note that there may be mor re than one correct answer for cach multiple choice question (please write your answers without any reasons for questions 1-8). Brief reasons and computation steps are needed for computation questions 9 and 10.

【題組】4. Considering a constant growth model of stock valuation, & is the discount rate, b is the retention ratio, g is the growth rate, then P/E ratio is
(A) Present value to earnings ratio
(B) Price to earnings ratio
(C) a ratio of b/(k-g)
(D) a ratio of (1-b)>/(k-g)
(E) equal to 17.14 if k= 12.5%, 6-60%, and g=9%.

Note: There are 19 questions in total, cach 4 points for the first 13 questions and each 8 points
for the remaining. For questions 1 through 13, each question has one answer. For questions 14
through 19, each question can have one answer, two answers, or more than two answers. One
quarter of points will be deducted for wrong answers.


18. It is known that 12 + 22 + ... .+n2=n(n+1)(2n+1)/6.Let H(n)=(1+3)2 +(2+ 3)2+. + (n + 3)2. Which of the following are true about H(n)?
(A) The constant term is not 0;
(B) The coefficient of the term with n is
(C) The coefficient of the term with n2 is
(D) H(50) is greater than 50000.

第一部份 社會統計(50%)

【題組】2.二項機率分配(Binomial probability distribution)


四、如圖示之市電單相60 Hz交流供電交流馬達驅動系統:5d91c2ddd9b87.jpg

【題組】㈢如機械負載為幫浦(Pump),試述變頻供電馬達驅動系統之主要優點。 (3分)


三、請參考下列 Student 資料表,並依下列各題之條件來完成正確之結構化查詢語言(SQL)。

【題組】(三)請插入一位新轉入的學生資料(Number:S06、Name:王六、Height:165、 Weight:70、City:新北市)至 Student 資料表中。【8 分】


第八大題 (10 分)
臺灣目前已購買的新冠肺炎 COVID-19 疫苗
疫苗概述:AstraZeneca COVID-19 疫苗是含有新型冠狀病毒(SARS-CoV-2 病毒)棘蛋白(S protein)基因之非複製型腺病 毒載體之疫苗,用於預防 COVID-19。本疫苗已通過 WHO、歐盟等其他先進國家及我國緊急授權使用。
冷儲條件:2~8°C 冷藏儲存。
 ➢ 目前依據疫苗仿單之適用接種年齡為 18 歲以上,接種劑量為 0.5 mL。
➢ 接種劑次為 2 劑,目前依世界衛生組織(WHO)建議接種間隔為 8 至 12 週;依我國衛生福利部傳染病防治諮詢會預 防接種組(ACIP)建議為至少 8 週以上。
➢ 接種途徑為肌肉注射。
 (資料來源:衛生福利部疾病管制署網站,2021.3.21 依國際最新資訊滾動式調整)

【題組】1. 完成 AstraZeneca COVID-19 疫苗 2 劑接種達到的預防效果較 1 劑接種佳,這跟免疫細胞的哪種特性有關?(2 分)

69.关于“注意减弱”的表述,不正确的说法是 . 。