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二、 請回答下列問題:


(二) 求 B 之特徵值 eigenvalues 及特徵向量( eigenvectors), 617a03c61ebf2.jpg


MOS capacitor and MOSFET
5.Assumed that there is an Al/ SiO2/ p -Si metal-oxide-semiconductor (MOS) capacitor. Denote the permittivity of SiO2 (Si) as61bace4abec7f.jpg and it is given that the thickness of SiO2 is 61bace7d72ac1.jpg, the p-Si is uniformly doped to NA, and the MOS capacitor can be regarded as one-dimensional.


(c) Repeat (b), i.c., write down61bacfe4f26a2.jpg , for an Al/ SiO2 /n -Si structure, albeit with NA replaced by ND. Denote again the metal work function asΦM and express the work function of Si in tem of 61bad0306a397.jpg . (6%)

1. Read the passage and answer the questions in your own words (Chincse is fine) (25%)
 The transformation at the heart of the Zhuangzi, then, is not necessarily or primarily a moral transformation. It is primarily a transformation in how one thinks and feels about the world, and in the behavior that expresses this. A key assumption is that even someone who loyally complies with all of the major recognized social norms, a "good" person, can have an inadequate and unsatisfying style of life, and should be motivated to transform herself or himself. There may be cases. of course, in which someone's inadequate and unsatisfying life includes what we would term immorality, and that eniightenment would have as one of its byproducts the elimination of the motivation for this immorality. This is not precluded by the Zhuangzi, but as far as I can see the work does not advertise increased moral virtue as one of the possible rewards of transformation.

【題組】 Q1 What is the author's main point? (15%)

4. () 冷藏櫃在室溫(300 K)與冷藏溫度(250 K)之間運轉,請用 Carnot Cycle 計算,每千瓦小時電力可以移走的冷藏庫熱量為多少焦耳?
(A) 1.5×106
(B) 1.8×107
(C) 2.8×107
(D) 3.5×107

14. During which time did animal start to burrow into the sediment on the sea floor?
(A) Archean
(C) Cambrian
(D) Miocene
(E) Quaternary

七、某大速食餐飲店欲建立ISO 14001環境管理系統,以改善環境績效及提升企業形象。

【題組】(三)依據上述2項重大環境考量面,請規劃環境目標、標的及管理方案(含責任分派、方 法和時程)各2項。(5分)

【題組】15. 承14題,若VCC=VEE=10V,則輸入電壓V1 (或V2) 的最大值不得超過多少?
(A) 8.4V
(B) 9V
(C) 9.5V
(D) 10V