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The following C++ code fragment shows the class definition of an array-based implementation of ADT Binary Tree that stores a list of person names.

【題組】(b) (20 points) Write the BinaryTree : : removeA1 1 Leaf () that removes AL.L, leaf nodes from a binary tree. Note that you also need to implement the BinaryTree: : recurRemo oveLeaf() called by removeAllLeaf() protected function that recursively traverses the tree to delete all the leaf nodes.

32. 下列何者最適合作為具有腐蝕性液體輸送的動力設備?
(A) 離心泵
(B) 真空泵
(C) 鼓風機
(D) 隔膜式往復泵

20 關於承重牆結構系統特性,下列敘述何者正確?
(A)承重牆系統因不受梁、柱模矩的限制,因此在建築物完工後,可輕易地改變牆壁位置,增 加室內空間使用彈性
(B)為提升視覺舒適度、氣派感受、或空間趣味性,設計上常見樓板大面積挑空、大廳挑高或 夾層之設計。在此類設計中,落柱會破壞其空間感,因此建築結構可考慮採用承重牆系統
(D)做為大班制教室(超過百人)使用的建築物,因特殊用途教室與普通教室所需要的空間大 小相差甚多,若採承重牆系統可令空間規劃更具彈性

5 慢性阻塞性肺病患者之第一秒用力吐氣量與最大肺活量的比值(FEV1/FVC)應小於:
(A) 30%
(B) 50%
(C) 70%
(D) 80%

情況:60 公斤 170 公分男性病人使用 gentamicin 200 mg q12h at 9 am and 9 pm 治療心內膜炎(endocarditis),開始注射第六劑後 1 小時及 11 小時之血中濃度分別為 12 mg/L 及 6 mg/L,在隔日上午 11 時你得知血中濃度之前,由於病人 serum creatinine 並未升高,醫囑仍未修改。
【題組】47 如果你要改用新的劑量方策(dosage regimen),新的劑量應於何時開始給藥?
(A) 得知血中濃度當天晚上 9 點
(B) 得知血中濃度第二天早上 9 點
(C) 得知血中濃度第二天晚上 9 點
(D) 得知血中濃度第三天早上 9 點

11. 霧中航行時注意事項,下列之敘述,何者為不正確?
(C)不 必測深

六、若要從台灣土壤篩選細菌,用來生產愛滋病治療藥(以酵素抑制劑為例),請回答 下述問題:

【題組】⑶該如何進行專利菌種寄存,才能申請我國新發明專利?(5 分)


8. (3 points) A randomized linked list sorting algorithm works as follows. We want to build a linked list
in which the keys are in increasing order. That is, every node has a smaller key than its successor in
the list. For ease of discussion we assume that the keys are distinct in integers from 1 to n. The algorithn
randomly picks a key from the rem maining keys, and inserts it into the list. This pro
keys are inserted. The inserted key k will skip those at the beginning of the list that are smaller than
ocess repeats until all
it, and will stop at the first key p that are greater than it. We then insert the key k  before p. To ensure
that all keys will stop we assumne that initially the list has only one key, n + 1. After we insert all keys
we will have a sorted linked list from 1 to n + 1.
1. Every inserted key will stop exactly once.
 2. The smallest key 1 will not skip any keys.
3. The largest key n will always skip n–1 keys.
 4. The expected number of keys that the key i will skip is Ω(i).

5. The key : will skip j if and only if i > j and i is inserted after j is inserted, so the expected value
of the total number of key comparisons is θ(n2).