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二、TEMU1000型太魯閣號電車組已知施軔閥緊軔 3 段之平均減速率為 2.0,當車速為 130 km/hr,在平坦直線上行駛,遇有慢行 60 km/hr 預告標誌,如使用施軔閥緊軔 3 段 減速,至少須於多遠的距離前開始煞車?(電車組慢行可加 5 km/hr)(20 分)


61. C.L.符號代表

43. 電力電子電路佈線設計時,下列何者不是考量要點?

 1. (25%) Consider two continuous random variables X and Y with joint pdf: 61de394e7739b.jpg


(b) (5%) Find the conditional pif 61de396ecdfdb.jpg

        The Australian government has operated a policy since 2013, obstructing refugees from arriving in their country and seeking humanitarian aids. Those asylum-seekers and illegal migrants have been completely rejected and detained on distant Pacific islands like Manus and Nauru. This policy was formulated by Kevin Rudd, the prime minister of Australia by then. The main objective of this plan is to prevent refugees from staying in Australia and settle them instead in remote areas as part of the resettlement deal with Papua New Guinea. Thousands of those refugees were thus delivered there. Yet, after years of detention on those faraway Pacific islands, the demeaning conditions those refugees are in and their agony are heard worldwide as the United Nations Refugee Agency and international human rights groups have condemned the Australian government’s implementation of this policy. But the Australian government still sticks to its principle and has done nothing to alter the plan. 
       As a remarkable way to “celebrate” the fifth anniversary of this policy’s renewal, thousands of protestors marched across cities in Australia to ask for the termination of this offshore detention policy as they think that five years are too long for the detention. Besides Sydney, demonstrations across the streets took place jointly in Melbourne, Adelaide, Brisbane, Canberra and Perth as well. The devastating stories of refugees detained on camps on those islands were occasionally heard with a recent suicidal case of an Iranian refugee on Naura whose body has reached Australia but would be buried in Naura or repatriated back to Iran. One of the advocacy groups for human rights claimed that has been the fifth death on Nauru since Australia launched its offshore detention project in July 2013, whereas there were also seven others who have passed away on Manus during approximately the same phase. The Australian government has attempted to arrange those refugees to third countries such as the US, and over a hundred of them have been transported there, according to the Refugee Action Coalition. But there still remain around 1,600 refugees on Nauru and Manus.

【題組】46 What is most likely the author’s purpose for writing this news report?
(A) To urge people to respect the rights and interests of refugees.
(B) To reveal the prevalent problem of immigrants.
(C) To persuade people into helping solve the hygienic problem of illegal immigrants.
(D) To value the financial aids carried out by the human rights groups.

(A) 屬於形狀公差
(B) 真圓度公差與正位度( Position )公差無關
(C) 可標示球形測頭之基準直徑
(D) 真圓度公差係雙向管制形體