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22 下列何者不會是造成景氣衰退的原因?

5. 下列何者為推展職業道德的基本表現

57 下列有關雌激素(estrogens)之敘述,何者正確?
(C)在卵巢,可以由 adrenal C-19 steroid precursors 合成
(D)在胎盤,可以由 adrenal C-19 steroid precursors 或助孕酮合成

▲ 閱讀下文,回答第 36-40題
        Social media has become an inseparable part in many people’s lives, and parents are concerned about their negative effects. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, schools and businesses were forced to shut down, and many countries took lockdown measures as an effective way to reduce infections. As a result, people spend substantial time on social media to remain connected with the pandemic -stricken world, trying hard to keep the living pattern as it used to be.
        However, as time progresses, social media apps no longer serve just as a means of communication for work or attending school. Some parents have noticed alarmingly that their children, especially teenagers, have developed eating disorders that affect their children’s physical and mental health. A mother said that her elder daughter had developed “severe anorexia”: the teenage girl restricted her food intake, and it became so serious that she had to be admitted to a hospital. Although the disease is caused by a combination of factors, such as genetics and personality traits, parents with eating -disorder children believe the social media apps help trigger it.
       The illness emerges through a common process. The teenagers, spending lots of time browsing websites t hey are interested in, are attracted first by pro-diet-and-exercise and then by pro-eating-disorder hashtags that connect them directly to other similar content. It produces negative effects on the body image and self-esteem of the teenagers, regardless of the fact that most of the photos they look at are filtered and manipulated.
       Even if the parents have highlighted the link between social media and eating disorders, it is nearly impossible to forbid their children to use them completely, as their school and social lives rely largely on the apps. Likewise, it proves a struggle for the parents themselves to quit the platforms in which parents with eating -disorder children form closed groups: they exchange experience and share knowledge with each other, and most importantly, obtain support and comfort in a difficult time. Dealing with this issue will be a long and challenging journey for both parents and their children.

【題組】38.What can be inferred from people who suffer from “severe anorexia” ?
(A) They do a lot of exercise and stay healthy.
(B) They spend a lot of time browsing websites.
(C) They are forbidden by their doctors to log onto social media apps.
(D) They eat small amount of food and gradually become very weak.

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