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(AB)isoniazid (AC)cetirizine (AD)paclitaxel (AE)diazoxide (BC)sulfasalazine (BD)ephedrine (BE)trastuzumab (CD)methylnaltrexone (CE)aminopterine (DE)fomepizole

【題組】9.為抗結核藥 (INH)可受 N-Acetyl transferase (NATs)進行 N-乙醯化代謝

18. 如何避免接地迴路?
(A) 串連所有接地導體
(B) 將交流中性線連接到接地線
(C) 接地時避免使用鎖緊墊圈和星形墊圈
(D) 將所有接地導線連接到一個點上

 Phosphorus is an important nutrient for crop productivity. More than 60% of the total phosphorus in cereal crops is finally allocated into the grains and is therefore removed at harvest. This removal accounts for 85% of the phosphorus fertilizers applied to the field each year. However, because humans and non-ruminants such as poultry, swine and fish cannot digest phytate, the major form of phosphorus in the grains, the excreted phosphorus causes eutrophication of waterways. A reduction in phosphorus accumulation in the grain would contribute to sustainable and environmentally friendly agriculture. Here we describe a rice transporter, SULTR-like phosphorus distribution transporter (SPDT), that controls the allocation of phosphorus to the grain. SPDT is expressed in the xylem region of both enlarged- and diffuse-vascular bundles of the nodes, and encodes a plasma- membrane-localized transporter for phosphorus. Knockout of this gene in rice (Oryza sativa) altered the distribution of phosphorus, with decreased phosphorus in the grains but increased levels in the leaves. Total phosphorus and phytate in the brown de-husked rice were 20-30% lower in the knockout lines, whereas yield, seed germination and seedling vigour were not affected. These results indicate that SPDT functions in the rice node as a switch to allocate phosphorus preferentially to the grains. This finding provides a potential strategy to reduce the removal of phosphorus from the field and lower the risk of eutrophication of waterways.
                                                                                        From Yamaji et al. 2017, Nature, 541:92-95.

【題組】18. How does SPDT protein performs its function?
(A) It is a vacuolar transporter that store the phosphorus inside cells.
(B)It is a plasma-membrane transporter that load phosphorus into the xylem.
(C) It is a plasma membrane transporter that transport the phosphorus out of the xylem.
(D) It is a plasma membrane transporter that mediates phosphorus uptake into leaf cells.


四、如下圖所示梁 ABC 在 B 為連續剛性接合,與雙桿桁架在 B 為鉸接。其中 E=彈 性模數,A=桁架的斷面積,I=梁的斷面積慣性矩。若phptA3DNt,在 B 受集中力 P 作用:phpVYSjgc

【題組】 ⑴列出結構勁度矩陣。(20 分)

3. Please find the Gibbs firee energy, enthalpy, and entropy by mixing Ar and H2 at a ratio of 95:5, assuming all starting gases and the gas mixtures are ideal gases at I atm and 298 K. (20%)

四、圖(a)為一個 AM 超外差接收器(AM superheterodyne receiver)的方塊圖,圖(b) 為三個電台的頻帶(僅繪出頻譜之正頻率部分),此三個電台的訊號同時在空中傳 送並被天線(antenna)接收,請依序回答以下問題:

【題組】 ⑶請說明⑵中發生什麼問題?如何解決此問題?(8 分)

223. 有一填縫工程,因一部份已採用亞克力系填縫膠,且已先行施作完工,而另一部份欲再施作填縫工程,試問 後來再施作者,採用何種材質之填縫膠才不會發生搭接上的問題 (A:變性矽利康,B:低應力係數矽利康系, C:聚胺酯系,D:聚硫膠系,E:亞克力系)

52.若從某批產品抽取100個樣本數,平均數為15,標準差為4,則 管制圖之管制上限UCL為何?
(A) 19.8
(B) 16.2
(C) 15.8
(D) 15.4

33. 下列何者不是企業行銷應該遵循的行為規範標準?

三、於三級品管之制度下,試說明各級對不合格品之管制作為。(20 分)