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24. 有一鋰離子電池,全新時額定原為 2 Ah,若其健康狀態(State-of-Health, SOH)已衰減至 80 %,則 1 C 電流應修正為:
(A) 2 A
(B) 1 A
(C) 1.6 A
(D)0.8 A

3. 汽缸蓋
(A)Cylinder Head
(B)Timing Belt
(C)Over Head Valve
(D)Rocker Arms

20. 某甲女因為其夫積欠富商乙新台幣1,000,000元的債務,無力償還,甲乙雙方約定2年之內,甲女每月應與富商乙發生4次性行為,於2年期滿後,積欠富商之債務消滅。請問, 依民法規定甲乙所約訂的契約效力為何?

二、請詳述壓力調適如何影響遊戲疾患的發展。 (30 分)


【題組】1. 請說明靈性生涯諮商(spiritual orientation career counseling)的重要內涵(15%),並敘說自己的生涯發展歷程中相 關的二個經驗(10%)。

D    The traditional tent cities at festivals such as Glastonbury may never be the same again. In a victory of green business that is certain to appeal to environmentally-aware music-lovers, a design student is to receive financial support to produce eco-friendly tents made of cardboard that can be recycled after the bands and the crowds have gone home.    Major festivals such as Glastonbury throw away some 10,000 abandoned tents at the end of events each year. For his final year project at the University of the West of England, James Dunlop came up with a material that can be recycled. And to cope with the British summer, the cardboard has been made waterproof.    Taking inspiration from a Japanese architect, who has used cardboard to make big buildings including churches, Mr. Dunlop used cardboard material for his tents, which he called Myhabs.    The design won an award at the annual New Designers Exhibition after Mr. Dunlop graduated from his product design degree and he decided to try to turn it into a business.    To raise money for the idea, he toured the City’s private companies which fund new business and found a supporter in the finance group Mint. He introduced his idea to four of Mint’s directors and won their support. Mint has committed around £500,000 to MyHab and taken a share of 30 per cent in Mr. Dunlop’s business. The first Myhabs should be tested at festivals this summer, before being marketed fully next year.    Mr. Dunlop said that the design, which accommodates two people, could have other uses, such as for disaster relief and housing for the London Olympics.    For music events, the cardboard houses will be ordered online and put up at the sites by the Myhab team before the festival-goers arrive and removed by the company afterwards. They can be personalized and the company will offer reductions on the expense if people agree to sell exterior (外部的) advertising space.    The biggest festivals attract tens of thousands of participants, with Glastonbury having some 150,000 each year. Altogether there are around 100 annual music festivals where people camp in the UK. The events are becoming increasingly environmentally conscious.
【題組】83. “Eco-friendly tents” in paragraph 1 refer to tents _______.
(A) economically desirable
(B) favorable to the environment
(C) for holding music performances
(D) designed for disaster relief

4. A stack emission has the following characteristics: 90 % SO2, 10 % N2 and no particulates. What treatment device would you suggest and why? (20 points)

1.質性研究方法很常使用「田野調查」做為資料蒐集的工具,然而田野調 查實際上包含不同的資料蒐集方法,請指出並說明這些方法與運用時機。 此外,請說明及比較人類學與社會學在運用田野調查這個工具上有何不 同?在實作上,如何建立與田野報導人的信任關係?(本共25分)