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2. 試比較發現式教學法、鷹架教學法與講述教學法在心理學理論基礎上的異同。

33. 下列為西元十一世紀,甲、乙二國針對當前外交情勢的看法:   上述內容應與下列何者有關?

16. 有一部 4 kVA 、200 V / 400 V的單相變壓器連接成 200 V / 600 V的自耦變壓器,則輸出容量為何?
(A) 4 kVA
(B) 6 kVA
(C) 8 kVA
(D) 10 kVA

二、何謂柴油的黏度?並說明其對燃燒有何影響?(10 分)


【題組】(二)相對於光學式 氣膠直讀式儀器,衝擊採樣器應用面向有那些優點?

1.根據 CNS 標準,用於標誌如滅火器、消防系統、危險標誌、緊急停止桿、停車按鈕等設備、裝置 與器具時,使用下列何種顏色?

7. 有關違反著作權之處罰,以下何者非為告訴乃論?

17. 下列對合板的敘述何者正確?
(C)合板的翹曲狀況較 實木為大

12. Catherine is a 72-year-old female has a 20-mninute episode of difficulty expressing herselt, right arm and band weakness. You have the following information:
(1) Past medical history: HTN, CAD, dyslipidemia.
(2) Medications: clopidogrel 75 mg qd, amlodipine 5 mg qd, irbesartan 150 mg/HCTZ 12.5 mg qd.
(3) BP: 132/82 mmHg, LDL 103 mg/dL
(4) MRI: small diffusion-weighted imaging lesion in the left frontal cortex, 3 small microbleeds in the basal ganglia, mild periventricular hyperintensities
 (5) MRA: 30% left internal carotid artery origin stenosis
 if you are considering adjusting medications, which of the following is incorrect?
(A) Check for heart rhythm to ensure that there is no concomitant or paroxysmal AF.
(B) If no AF, patient should be treated with DAPT immediately. Clopidogrel plus aspirin is indicated.
(C) Clopidogrel has less eficacy in CYP3A4 loss-of-function carriers than non-carriers.
(D) In this patient with a 30% left internal carotid artery origin stenosis, ticagrelor-aspirin is also a good choice.