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【題組】(4) 為何在 50Hz 及 60 Hz 電源下馬達電流規格相同,功率與電壓規格卻是不同?

一、請說明數位憑證(Digital Certificate)、憑證中心(Certificate Authority,CA)、公鑰 (Public Key)、私鑰(Private Key)、數位簽章(Digital Signature)及憑證廢止清單 (Certificate Revocation List,CRL),並詳述其如何交互運作,以完成一份文件的數 位簽章及驗證。(25 分)

9. 生命週期衝擊評估(LCIA)的主要目標是什麼?
(C)分析公 司的財務狀況;

 Ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle viewed laughter as “a bodily exercise precious to health.” But ¬¬¬_____some claims to the contrary, laughing probably has little influence on physical filness Laughter does _____short-term changes in the function of the heart and its blood vessels, ____ heart rate and oxygen consumption But because hard laughter is difficult to ____, a good laugh is unlikely to have _____ benefits the way, say, walking or jogging does.
____, instead of straining muscles to build them, as exercise does, laughter apparently accomplishes the ____, studies dating back to the 1930’s indicate that laughter. muscles,
Such bodily reaction might conceivably help____the effects of psychological stress.Anyway,the act of laughing probably does produce other types of ______feedback,that improve an individual’s emotional state. ______one classical theory of emotion,our feelings are partially rooted _______ physical reactions. It was argued at the end of the 19th century that humans do not cry ______they are sad but they become sad when te tears begin to flow.
Although sadness also _______ tears,evidence suggests that emotions can flow _____ muscular responses.In an experiment published in 1988,social psychologist Fritz.


14. 一般瓦特表是用於量測電路的實功率外,若使用兩個瓦特表也可用於量測三相電路的哪一個量?
(A) 功率因數
(B) 鐵損
(C) 銅損
(D) 渦流損失


(A) 凱因斯認為政府應該無為而治

大華為自閉症兼有上肢動作緩慢的學生,領有中度身心障礙手冊。今年即將就讀國小一年級。在跨教育階段轉銜會議中,幼兒園教師描述了他的能力現況,溝通能力有明顯困難,而且少與人眼神對焦,無法與同儕建立互動關係; 學習被動且學習速度緩慢,處理複雜指令、抽象概念與遷移能力欠缺。最後決定安置於學區國小普通班就讀,並至資源班接受特殊教育服務。由於大華的身心特徵,家長積極的尋求學校提供輔助性支持與服務,以增進孩子在普通班接受教育的最大可能範圍。

【題組】問題二 大華即將就讀國小一年級,學校必須召開跨教育階段轉銜會議。依照現行法規,請判斷下列關於轉銜會議敘述的正確與否(2分)?並分別說明其理由(2 分)。
□正確 □不正確   理由:______________________
□正確 □不正確   理由:______________________

5. In Monty Hall problem, a contestant in a game show is shown three doors and told that behind one of the doors is a car, behind the other two doors are goats. The contestant Is asked to choose one of the doors and picks door no. 1. The game show host, who knows what is behind each door opens door no. 3, which reveals a goat. The game show then asks whether the contestant wants to switch with door no. I or switch to door no. 2. (30 pts).

【題組】(v) Affer the contestant picked door no. I, state the probability that the host opens door no. 3, if the car is behind door no. 3. (3 pt.)

7. Let Pn denote the set of all polynomials of degree less than n. Which of the following statements are true?
(A) Suppose V1, V2, V3 are linearly independent vectors in P3. Then V1, V2, V3 span P3.
(B) If V1,V2, V3 are linearly dependent, then Span(v1, v2) must be equal to Span(v2, v3).
(C) P2 is a subspace of P3.
(D) Ifv1 + v2 + V3 equals the zero polynomial, then V1, V2, V3 must be linearly dependent.
(E) If V1,V2, .., Vm span a vector space V, then V1, V2, ..., Vm must be linearly independent.